Chapter 29

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Flow POV

So, it was a given that I would bring all the souls together at one point. Let's just say Mina pushed me into it and now I was sitting in my head asleep in my bed at home. "WHAT NO WAY" Jake the soul of Justice said.

Flowey was currently on my shoulder. "I will not follow that monster. He's killed so many" I said I was aware. "Jake I don't think you'll get her to change her mind" Steven which was the soul Perseverance said. I was trying to convince them. Jake and Jessica the soul of Integrity was being the most reluctant.

Jake was absolute. He hated Flowey and wanted to make him pay. But Flowey finally explained my weakness. Which is while he's out I'm unable to come back to life. Jake was the only one willing to fight me. Jessica was just sitting there. "What'll it take besides hurting him" he went inside me. "You can shoot me and take your anger out" I left myself open. But the other four were shocked. I knew the girl that didn't trust me wanted to see if I was trustworthy.

"No that's not right. You're just an innocent bystander. You don't deserve it. He needs to pay" I said he's already atoning. I saw that finally Integrity wasn't watching. She was looking through my memories. "She's not lying. Sadly, neither is the Flower. I'm not a person to leave a grudge. But he does deserve it" she said, and I said he doesn't need to die.

"She's right. I've been watching. He's turned kind. That's a lot coming from me" Olivia said backing me up. "That's what her memories say. But the lying I'm not to find of. I only lied when it was necessary. It seems like you do as well. Fine. You have one chance. If he helps you beat a big-time villain, then I'll support you all the way. Jake you're the final one " the yellow soul looked conflicted.

"Sharing a body. Very unique magic. I'll see what you can do to earn my trust" I thanked him. "Sure. Now go" I did and felt exhausted.

The day school started back I was walking hand in hand to school with my girlfriend. We arrived and some but not all people crowded around. Mina slipped away at some point.

I answered all I could. But sat down when Mr. Aizawa came in. "Ok later in the day in heroics you'll be doing something. But the teacher wanted to keep it a secret" so the day. Went on and Sero does this thing that he listened to that radio at lunch. Like full on. No ear buds.

  "The hero killer huh" Jake said and I knew what he wanted to do. "Ok I've decided. Take him out then I'll follow" then arguing happened in my head and I was somehow still able to pay attention. But froze.

It mentioned my mom. 'Flow calm down' 'she can't more like refuses to use reset. What else do you want me to do' everyone felt the anger surrounding me. 'Green magic' I thought but my phone started ringing. "I uhh be back" I ran into the hall and answered the phone, and I was expecting dad not Sans.

'Stop Sans at all costs alright Flow. Warp now' I looked around and did and was in front of him surprising. "Hey kiddo" "no" I said simply. "You told me your job. But you're not where you used to be. Uncle Sans if you want to take out the hero killer then you'll have to get past me first" it was kinda creepy that his sockets turned dark. "Besides I'll do it. It only seems right. Keep dad away to please. "It's better that they face someone like me" he noticed my colorful eyes. I was about to warp away. But he asked why I was protecting him

Aunt Chara walked into the room, "I'm sorry but it's a hero's job to protect people. Also, I promised you. Try to use some green magic though. My uhh dad isn't as good with it. You know he gets bone tired afterwards" he resisted laughing. I then went back to school, but he looked annoyed I left a bug to watch him.

But I arrived back in the room somehow on time.

We went through the day and heroics finally came. We were to pick out hero names.

"Plant girl"
"Thorn princess"

They kept suggesting names. While I thought of something that everyone somehow agreed on. "Flowey: The Ruler of Plants and Souls" they said it sounded intimidating. "True but this name used to spread fear to the ones I cared about. It's either this or my name. They could both mean Flower only shortened" I said, and Midnight said fine.

Everyone went and I was given tons of papers. I of course told them about each hero. But deadpanned when I encountered Dad's agency. 'Probably going to see where the hero killer is" I thought, and I put him down worried.

After school I called my grandma and asked her since she was a pro to attempt to heal mom. I then got my costume and waited for internships

Needless to say, I want expecting the shit I was about to be brought into.

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