Chapter 4

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"So I told you my quirk. What's yours"

Flow POV

I was sort of sweating, 'kill, kill, kill' they kept saying. I looked at my uncle out the corner of my eye. "I uhhh aren't comfortable showing others yet. Until I get it under control. Is that ok" I asked, and he said sure. 

But switch to Sans POV

"Hey Sans" it was goat dad. "Yea what's up" he said not where everyone can hear. "Uhhhhhhhh ok bud" he seemed annoyed by the nickname. Well, he was one at one time. When we were away from everyone else, "now what did you need" my smile started to vanish.

"Listen Sans I know I should be telling Frisk that I'm telling this to you. But Flow has gotten well his power" it processed. "Though I don't know to the extent. So far all I saw was when she manifested it at the doctor's office. Thorns tore through her skin. Though I don't know what else there is. But I'm very scared" I put my arm on his shoulder. 

"Come on man you got to relax once and a while" "Sans remember she's just a kid. Also, if you even so much as make a scratch on her I'll personally since you gained more HP slice you in two" I sweatdropped. "You heard it. I'm very proud" I looked at the two kids talking. "Besides chances are Paul is the only one that I think that power would have a hard time fighting. So, we should relax. Paul is the only human in this town correct" he was right. 

"Alright I'll leave her be" I said and he left to the others and I looked to the girl that seemed to laugh at a joke the kid said.

"Sans" I jumped at Frisks presence. "You won't just have his butt on you but mine as well. Besides you could just check them. So knock the suspension off" I knew she was right. "So" I sighed and used check.

Act >> check >> Flow

Attack: fifty def: undetermined hp: undetermined

They want to prove something

After that I backed down to know I didn't have anything to worry about. "Besides on the surface it isn't like in the underground where you could go crazy. Also what would Chara think" my eyes went sad when she said that. "Besides they would actually feel something. Unlike Flowey did. Please keep this on the downlow. We don't want any panic" I said alright.

I then looked back at the girl, 'I hope she uses the power to help others instead of hurting others' I thought.

I then went back to the others.

Flow POV

"Just a little" I saw Sans talking to the others.

"Fine" I told him to back away a little just in case. "Uhhh ok" I then held out my arm and thorns stuck out of my arm.

"Looks like a mace" I looked at it closer and he was right. I concentrated on them going back into my body. "Are you a late bloomer. It seems like it. You don't have a hang of it yet" I noticed he after concentrating plopped on the floor. "Took me a couple months after I got it. I moved away with my family after others started calling me a monster. So naturally I went and lived with them. Then here I am seven-year-old ghost Paul" he said and smiled.

"So you can become a ghost then basically a human whenever you want. Sounds useful. You could be a great hero" what I said took a while to process. "Not joking" I said.

"I uhhh don't know how to respond to that" is all he said.

But then, "Flow you ready" my parents asked because I'm guessing time to go.

"See you around Paul" he waved still in thought. I than went with my parents back to the car when I felt a bonk on my head.

"Hey kiddo. I had an idea" Sans said and he dug around in his sweat shirt pocket. "A joker needs a signature joke. Here you go" he handed me a whoopie cushion. It was the gag he got me with in the car. "Have fun annoying your friends. I know I have fun teasing my brother" he held his hand up for a high five and I knew the type of smile. I put it on and we high-fived and the sound could be heard for miles.

"Hahahahahahahahahahah awesome" we both said at the same time. "Thank you, Sans. I'll use this well" I said crying tears of anticipation.

"Well I hope you do. I also hope you visit us all again. It was a blast. Also Undyne will probably be to excited when you get older and want to fight" I said sure and we got in our car and we left for back home.

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