Chapter 9

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Flow POV

It was when me and Midoriya was asked to by my mom to go shopping. We were just hanging out in the arcade at the time. Also, yes when Uncle Sans came, we couldn't get him to budge from street fighter. "I swear one day I'm going to ring that girl's neck" I said talking about Hagakure using her invisibility to draw on my face. "If I can find it" he just laughed as we passed under a bridge. I also mastered the check thing. 

But then a manhole rattled, and I summoned one just in time. "Finally, some disguises to escape from All Might" he saw my 'yeah no' face. "Whats with that" "look up" he did and panicked when he noticed said bomb. "It's very real" I slowly lowered it and he sank, and I left him there like that. "That should be enough to for the hero to get here. Just in case do you want to go ahead. Tell mom and dad what happened ok" he said sure and jogged away. It was Midoriya by the way.

"He's leaving you here with a villain" "hey I'm the daughter of two heroes I can handle myself asshole" I then heard flying rapidly approaching. I smiled and undid the bomb surprising him making it vanish out of thin air and took the hit from All Might.

All Might POV

"FEAR NOT WHY BECAUSE I AM HERE" I said and smashed the villain, and I was horrified when I saw the victim. The entire top portion of their body was gone completely. "D-dear lord what happened here" I said but still catching the villain in bottles super-fast. I then approached the corpse as my friend pulled up in his police cruiser. "All Might wha-" he was speechless as well.

But I then noticed something hanging down like a I can only describe it as a vine. But suddenly they started moving making me panic. Of course my friend just pointed a gun at it. But we noticed it reforming into a person. It was a girl in her teens. But there was one main problem when she finished coming back. "CLOTHES" she looked down.

"Oh right" suddenly vines appeared wrapping around her chest. "Have to do for now. Thanks for the save. Almost a goner there" I felt like that was a lie. "I'm sorry you got injured I should have got here sooner" but then it was like she wasn't paying attention to me anymore. "Oh boy sorry man. What happened" she said confusing me as I started steaming panicking. But it seems she just tilted her head. 

Honestly if I jumped away I would fall out of the air to my death so I had to. I went in a poof of smoke.

Flow POV

The cloud appeared. "Hello All Might Flow Dreemer" I said as the detective threw me his coat. "My parents are the Pacifist hero and the God of Hyper Death" he seemed to calm down because my mother figured out his secret a while ago and just told me on a whim. "So your lying" the detective said. "About which part" "the you being a goner" I sighed in defeat.

"Yes I used my quirk without permission. But I didn't hurt anyone. I only scared them a bit" I looked at bottle and he started shaking in fear. 'Maybe I am a sadist. Nah it's just fun' I said in my head. "But I see it matters a lot. I won't tell a soul unlike my loud mouth mom. She told me on a whim. Geez" we chatted for a bit while the villain was taken away. I then thought about something before he left. "Hey All Might I know my mom said they can. But I have a question" he turned to me.

"Yes what is it Young Dreemer" I stood tall. "Do you think anyone could be a hero even if they have a. You know what no never mind I think I know your answer. Catch you later All Might" I walked away and prepared myself for the entrance exam.

When the day came me and Midoriya arrived and stood outside the gate. "I hope I can pass" he said and we walked in. But Izuku tripped on his shoelace and was going to fall on his face until someone touched him and he started floating. "Huh" he started freaking out but that was until.

"Sorry about that. I should have asked first. But I think falling before you even take the exam is bad luck" I watched the interaction and I took my mom's instructions very seriously. No one has laid a finger on him. But I had to agree with her. It is bad luck. But we ran inside otherwise we would be late.

Inside it was a huge one room and I saw my friends waving me over. Since Izuku already took a seat I walked over. "Flow why didn't you ask to get recommended. I mean your parents are heroes" I shrugged and said I already wanted to. 'I mean new Magic who wouldn't want to try it' I said in my head as we listened to the explanation of the practical. But a question was asked about the fourth robot.

"It's worth zero points. Think it as something in your way. It's best to avoid it" I understood. But then we were all dismissed to battle areas and I still had to figure out what I was going to use.

"Definitely not thorns yet. Otherwise I would be out of commission. Maybe pellets"  I said as I was doing what Izuku did which was speculating everything. You could see the words floating in the air. "Hey" that snapped me out of it and it was this guy with black hair. "You ok" I nodded as the door opened.

'Don't hesitate' I instantly followed his advice and booked it. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERES NO COUNT DOWN IN A REAL FIGHT GOGOGO" he yelled, and I dodged robot attacks and noticed they had a decent attack. I summoned thousands of bullets and destroyed them like it was shredding cheese. Not a single robot could hit me and some people that saw this was impressed. I destroyed them by swinging my arm like a whip and destroying them. The way I hide my magic is by copying other types of quirks.

But when I was around one hundred and twenty point the ground shook and it made me walk around and look. But it's when I saw it. "Th-thats the zero pointer it's huge" I said and was about to run when.

"Someone help me" I turned and it was this blond guy. He was stuck underneath some rubble. 'Don't' I didn't listen. I ran and jumped and destroyed the rubble with thorns and actually surprised myself. I saved the kid sure but I was holding the foot from crushing us. "Go stop sitting there and gawking" they finally ran and I was using brute force. 'How am I this strong' I asked the thing inside me.

I was starting to be pushed into the concrete. I shot thorns from my legs to the ground to keep me in place. The bell rang and I was still trying until something knocked it back destroying it instantly. I fell to the ground and couldn't move my body. "Are you ok" is all I heard before my eyes started closing against my will. I hurt so much.

But that's how I saved the first person in my life.

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