Chapter 26

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Flow POV

I walked out and it was this guy with purple hair. "Heya" I then felt something odd. I was pushed out. "Flowey give my body back" I commanded but I felt he was taking a hit. 'One sec. You'll be in the driver seat in a sec' I said fine. 

The fight began, "I'll say that was some show during the first event. Not to mention the flames. I got to say. You're interesting. Too bad you have sad classmates. I mean they got passed the second round. But they dumped it and gave it up. Real pathetic" I felt a little angry. "Who are yooooooooooooooooooo-" I noticed Flowey's brain flatline. I actually managed to hop back into the driver's seat easily. 

"Walk out of bounds" I knew what his quirk was by just those four words. "No" was my response. He was surprised. "Quirk. I'm going to guess brainwashing. But he had to reply to you. That right" he was speechless. "Go ahead tell me to do something else" he said raise my hand. "That works" my hand raised. "I'm not telling you how I'm doing this. It's a brilliant quirk. But I can't move. I can only move backwards. But I don't really have to oh" I tried to use my magic. 'So that it huh' I then looked back up. 

"But anyway, let's do this" I relaxed my right arm, and it went and dropped to the floor. My arm no longer looked like an arm. More like a vine. I swung it and he dodged last minute. Of course, Midnight did to. "Uhhh sorry" I apologized to the teacher. I then tried to hit him out of bounds while standing still. I then managed to wrap my arm around his leg. I then flung him out of bounds. Flowey luckily woke up now. 

"FLOW DREEMER MOVES TO THE NEXT ROUND" I walked over and offered my hand. "Excellent quirk. But you have to take into account that there is sadly two brains in here" I said tapping my head. "Are you hurt" I summoned some green bullets. I shot them at him and I noticed he felt better.

"Two brains?" I did the shush motion. We walked out of the arena. I told him what I meant, "what really" I nodded and said it was fine if he didn't believe me. "I mean magic is impossible" I said okay or sure and took a step on the steps to go back to the 1-A seats. "See you" he walked away and when he disappeared. I turned back and smacked heads with Mina and fell down the stairs. But she fell on her butt, and I landed on the floor. "Ow" we said at the same time laughing.

"Nice match" she said, and I thanked her.  She said she was going to get ready to face the boy that sparkles too brightly. Also known as Aoyama, "good luck" I said and waved down the hall. 

Well even when she was gone, "it's so obvious" I jumped at Toru. "I-I don't know what you're talking about" I was embarrassed to say the least.

I walked past her. "Also don't think I don't know you have a thing for Ojiro" I saw the blush even though she was invisible. "We drop the subject" she agreed. "Besides I'm coming clean after the festival" I said and walked up the steps and they asked why I didn't use my main magic. "I actually discovered something. Flowey might also be interested. I can't use it when he's not present" they were confused. "Flowey took the brainwashing for me. So, I couldn't move. Only backwards to walk out of bounds" they did the oh expression.

But I did notice Todoroki thinking. But I watched Bakugo run circles around Monoma. I then saw the solid air guy took down Kirishima by pushing him out of bounds by force. I just saw the guys from 1-B semi kick ass. But they all still lost. I never went up against my friend which was lucky.

But during the second round I was against the one and only son of Endeavor. Well actually he has siblings. "So how are you going to do this" she said start and he shot ice at me, but I used flames to melt it. I also tried not to hit him with the flames. Which worked. "What did I say. Not to listen to him right" I said, and he agreed as we both stopped.

I felt the heat, 'can I survive without using my respawn button' he had no idea. 'I have an idea' I touched a piece of ice and slowly melted it. But when I copied the compounds of an ice plant I started absorbing the water. My skin even turned green. 'Hopefully this works' I said in my head as I did hear Endeavor going on a rant.

He then blasted the flames at me. I was engulfed in flames and the teachers tried to stop it. But I noticed the ice plant trick worked. Mainly because I'm unharmed. Heck even my clothes. When the dust cleared, I was still standing there. 'I'll admit it was clever' he said, and I smiled. The boy was shocked. "Funny things Ice plants are. They can absorb water and become fire-resistant" I smiled.

I then charged my laser and he saw this and got ready. He summoned ice to attempt to reflect it with ice and noticed I was hesitant. I looked at Sans, then my parents and they was curious, but they nodded. I then thought of something, and my laser became orange. I fired it and destroyed the ice, and it didn't cause major damage but did knock him out of the circle.

When I was said to be the winner I ran over, and I don't know what came over me. I loaded kindness and healed him by just holding my hand over him. He when I was finished wasn't in pain making me happy. I then grabbed him and teleported to the stands.

But we watched the second round of semifinals.

In the finals I was against Bakugo. "You know my final attack, Bakugo. You don't stand a chance. Blue magic isn't something you simply fight against" he looked determined. When Midnight said begin, he was fast. 'So quick' even though he was quick though he missed as I dodged. "What you think I'm just going to sit there and take it" I kept dodging.

"Stay still" I was dodging faster than he was able to hit me. I then held up my hand and he froze in the air. "Been fun" I started floating him out of bounds. He called names. But when he mentioned Flowey I dropped him on his face.

"You think I'm like him" I let out a peaceful aura. "Then please. Come at me" my family was taken aback. Well actually mom was proud. "I'll show you pacifism" I dodged his lightning-fast attack. 'You are to not interfere" I commanded him.

I made the black and white area appear but neither of our souls showed. "So. You have the soul of bravery. Let's see who's braver" I loaded bravery. I dodged and dodged and dodged. He was annoyed I wasn't fighting back but I continued to dodge. "Fight me" the timer went off. But since it was the finals, they let it keep going. But I did see he was getting tired.

Even when he did land a hit it just healed.

He started slowing down. When he did stop the black and white surrounding went away. "I'm not on any specific thing. I'm no murderer. I'm not a pacifist either. But I just beat you using pacifism" he tried to punch me, but I just sidestepped. "You're the one in the wrong actually. Egos aren't good. Especially when they are trying to make you change sides. Like yours for example. You want to be the number one hero. But you're willing to hurt people to do it. That's not very heroic" grabbed his shirt and dragged him out of bounds.

I won the sports festival basically.

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