Chapter 11

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3rd POV

"Are you sure it's him Sans" the mother said looking at her daughters door. "I'm not sure if Ghaster spoke to them. But they did die" he said.

But what was happening in the room wasn't what you were expecting.

Flow POV

"So then how are we going to make use of this. Also, you said you couldn't kill anyone" 'that is correct for some god forsaken reason' I ignored the second part. "What all can you do" but my eyes widened when I felt something on my shoulder. I looked and saw a flower with a face. I was about to scream. "Woah calm there. What did I just say" "you couldn't kill anyone" the girl got flicked. "It turns out I am able to use the parts of your body that are plant and certain things that I was able to do before. For example, I threw a bomb at the robot" it said.

"If mom and dad find out about this, I'm so dead" he said look on the bright side. "Oh, and what's that" he said more abilities. "We are also lucky for us have the communication aspect over and done with. Now it's just teamwork" he agreed. Suddenly as a knock appeared on my door, I felt him go somewhere.

"Hey kiddo we're leaving" he tilted his head. "Nice rose" I touched by my hair and felt a flower by my ear. "You'll be a good hero. Make sure to give those villains a real bad time" I got some reason felt a chill. "Chara said bye to. I mentioned chocolate when we get back and she forgot about goodbyes" I said chocolate addict. "You have no idea. But anyway, see you later kid" he shut the door and the flower became reanimated.

"Smiling trashbag" I said he wasn't that bad. "To you. But if he saw me, we would be in a world of hurt. Especially since he has more than one attack and one defense now" I said he still lost. "You haven't fought him yet so shut it. But anyway. What's this teamwork. You don't actually mean we combine our abilities" I smiled. "Yes, I do" I said, and the plant just stared at me.

But then I was called for dinner, and I was panicking a little, but he hid as a ordinary flower in my head. "I'll have to tell them" I whispered. "I mean you don't have to" "they need an answer" I said and got downstairs and my nothing was the matter smile was clearly visible making it beyond obvious. 

But dad noticed right away noticed the flower in my hair. In fact, it was the first thing he saw. "Does your friend want to come out" we sighed and gave up and it seemed mom panicked and grabbed a.........stick. "Wow so you are good at something after all you light ahhhh" I tugged on his petal like an ear. "Bad. I don't care what you two or your relationship is. Just behave" I scolded the plant living in my body. "Twerp" my eyes had the death glare. "I'll shut up" he said.

"I'll uhhh say that's a first" mom said. "He's never listened to anyone" "well we are housed in the same body" the colorful wheel of death hung in between them. "HUH" I was thinking of something, but Flowey came up with the answer.

"To answer your question already Princy. I used to be magic in general. So, I'm sure not all of me was meant to go to the child but it did. I can do stuff like" he raised my right arm and shot it at the railing and grabbed it then released it. "I'm along with that respawn button of her is why she is alive" he said, and I said he explained it about right. "But I feel what he does. As he does me. So, no more emotionless flower. Even though he can be" I said as he made his way to my shoulder. 

"I uhhhh need to process" but what I said next. "I've mainly since we've already got the communication stuff down with each other. But the teamwork aspect needs a little work. But I want us to be a team" the aura in the room became dangerous. "That thing does not know how to be friendly" 'Flow he will not believe anything you say if you try and defend me so drop it' I sighed and agreed. "Fine" I just sat down, and dinner was eaten in silence.

I then went back up to my room sad that I had no support. 'How bad were you' 'Very' is all he said as I laid in my bed. Also no, my mother didn't come to my aid. It was night and I couldn't sleep. So, I do what I normally do. I went to the roof and relaxed.

When I got there is when I saw something.

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