Chapter 15

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Flow POV

Needless to say, I was a little nervous. Mainly because the uniform was wrinkled. I walked in and he kept reminding me what the room number was because I haven't woken up this early in three weeks. I made it to Class 1-A. 'When I see that kid, I'll have to thank him' I reminded myself as I walked into the room and of course explosion head was here.

"Don't you know you should respect your upperclassmen. Great heroes sat here, and we should respect that" the glasses guy said. "Flow you made it" I looked, and it was Mina and she noticed the scarf was there. "It's comfy also good job at being good at something besides games and dancing" I said and hid the embarrassment with said scarf. "But good job on making it to Mina also" I pointed to the floating uniform.

"Body heat to attract guns Toru" she held up a hell yeah sign. "Awesome" "if your here to make friends then leave" I looked down.

Check>> Eraserhead

Attack: 16 defense: 53 HP.: Unknown

Very sleepy

I thought it was the worst description ever. But the defense was impressive. "My name's Shouta Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher" we all stood in disbelief. "Now put these on and go to the training field" he gave use all gym uniforms.

We went to the locker rooms and changed. We then arrived and someone asked about orientation. "That's a waste of time. You're trying to be heroes not twible your thumbs all day. Today you'll be doing a quirk assessment test to see where you rank in my classroom" he said, and he called Bakugo. "How far was your softball throw" "I think sixty meters" he tossed him a ball. "Use your quirk" he walked into a circle.

He blasted it to kingdom come. '705.5 meters' "you got to know your limit before improving" he said, and I felt something move my arm to catch someone trying to touch me.

"Umm what" I let go of the redhead. "You just seemed a little out of it is all" I rubbed the back of my head nervous. "It's just it's been a while since I've done physical fitness" I said lying since I've walked twenty miles before. He was about to introduce himself when he said fifty.

I was against Blondie, and he recognized me and saw I was smirking, "you know ash head I learned a new trick" he asked what's that as it said go and I vanished confusing him. But I was there when he crossed the finish line, "what how did" I said magic exaggerated. "Magic doesn't exist" I held in my laughter.

'Wait till you tell him. Wait here's a better idea. Don't' I considered it. I then noticed Eraserhead or Mr. Aizawa was staring at me. But I got top scorers in all of them, and my personal grip strength was severely weak. But since I learned I had Floweys stuff I was shocked when I was bending the steel. 'How strong are you' I heard evil laughter. 'But careful my strength is no magic so it will run on your stamina" I stopped.

But when I reached the soft ball throw, I took the ball, but he didn't let go, "you're his kid aren't you" a chill was sent through both of us. "Who's" he just released his grip. "I'm watching you" I was so confused and a little frightened. 'He's so intimidating' I thought and went to the circle. 'Which of us is throwing it this time' he asked, and I threw it with my own strength, and he didn't like it, but I remembered what I said as the flame lit in my hand and my eyes turned red. 'Both of us' that made him interested as we looked in the direction.

I reeled my arm back and the flame grew. We threw the ball, and a giant wind was left, and a thorn grew, and I threw it directly toward it and now it would eventually fall.

But we waited for the numbers to stop rising but both me and my teacher were staring at each other not letting our eyes leave each other. But I saw a little blue in his pitch-black eyes. "Good job" the number landed, and the number was beyond possible. It just wasn't infinity. I think I remember brown hair as Uraraka. Yeah, she was the one that got that score.

But we skip to the results and turns out I got first. Which figured. I then went home with all my friends and the scarf everyone was curious who made it. But said girl begged not to say. "One of my friends" I said simply. Honestly, I have the same attitude towards things people give to me. That I'll protect it. We dropped each other off and went on our way. Now I have the memory of my uncle. I can't forget a face.

"Yeah, they were there" it was the lightning bolt Blondie down an alley. "Wait" I heard shoes walking this way and I put headphones in and started walking. I heard Flowey say he stopped to look at me. But another thing. I grabbed something so fast I didn't even know what happened.

I grabbed his hand that stretched ten feet trying to grab my neck. Also of course I don't conduct electricity. I took my headphones off, "can I help you stretch boy" I felt him pulling his arm back and I released him, and his arm returned to how it was.

We just stared at each other, "just thought you were someone else my bad" he acted stupid. "Ok then" I put them back on and continued walking. "Weird" I said out loud to not draw suspicion. I eventually felt his eyes leave me and I sent a bug to listen in when I was a very not close distance from them.

"Then make sure to keep your eye on them. Don't fail. Get them on our side somehow" "I'll try, you can promise that" he said in a confident voice and when I thought I heard enough I made it come to me.

But when I walked in the door, I leaned against said door and slid down. My mom was the first to notice and came to check on me and noticed I was shaking. But she also noticed the bug fly into my ear, "h-hey mom" I asked.

"Have you ever been undercover"

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