Chapter 27

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Flow POV

I teleported Bakugo to the stands and bowed. I then went back up there. 'After medals' a mainly just now noticed from above the rafters of the stadium was staring directly at me. 'You see them to' Flowey confirmed. But once I blinked, they were gone.

My eyes searched but couldn't find him. I then sat down. "Flow" I snapped out of it. I looked at my class. "We asked if you were ok. I mean those were a lot of hits" I said I was fine. "I survived something much worse from him" I smirked. 'Feeling Brave are we' I asked what happened. 'You loaded three saves of mine. You have Kindness, Patience and Bravery. Those emotions are now stronger. So careful' I kept that in mind.

I was called for medals and encountered by my family. "Yes, I used the saves. But only three" they said that's good. They asked which ones, and I told them. They well dad explained what they did. "Wow" I held up my hand and concentrated. An orange glove then covered my hand. But when I unfocused it vanished.

"These new powers have minds of their own Flow. Be careful" I nodded. I then started walking to the stage, but I started feeling sleepy. It was before I stepped on the stage I collapsed.

But I woke up in a large space. "Interesting soul" I whipped my head around and a guy with what looked like naturally spikey hair stood there. He was as tall as Bakugo and had orange eyes. "Yeah, and she knows how to dance. I already like her" I turned and a girl with a tutu was standing there. "She seems kind. But not afraid to harm others" I turned and a girl around my height was standing in front of me. "I'm sure the others would love her well if she chooses to summon them" I stepped away.

"Olivia you're forgetting something" suddenly Flowey appeared on the ground besides me. "She's with him. If I had Jake's gun flower you would be dead" but he was what seemed to shock him is that I moved to protect him. "Odd one" I asked who they were. "Oh, how rude of us. I'm Steve also known as the soul of Bravery" I started getting the picture.

The other two introduced themselves and their souls. I leaned down and offered Flowey my arm which he accepted without hesitation. "Letting that thing control you" "he's my friend or I guess brother at this point" they were shocked. "Considering we live in the same body" they were shocked. "My name is Flow. Flow Dreemer" it was quiet.

"Wait your Toreil's kid" I said of course not. "I guess in a sense you guys would get is Flowey is my half father. I'm the daughter of Asriel and Frisk Dreemer" they processed. "What. How many" I looked to the flower on my shoulder. "Plus, Flow now would be nine. But we are on the surface. Flow you can rest. I'll explain it later" I said fine as we switched.

Flowey POV

"So, flower what's your plan on the surface. Hurt more" I sighed using her body. "No actually. I'm not in control. Flow makes the decisions in this body. But I mainly help her because she needs it and it makes me" the three were shocked I smiled.  "Happy" they claimed I had no emotions. "True but it changed not that far from her fourteenth birthday. But I accepted this life when she was seven. Oh, looks like since Recovery Girl can't wake Flow up, they are sending her to the hospital. You know you actually pulled her in her at a very inconvenient time. She was about to get her first-place medal" they now felt bad.

"Uhhh sorry" "I'll tell her you said that. She I think is the kindest person you will ever meet. She keeps me hidden" I opened her menu and looked at her menu. "I ask that you allow her to use your magic freely. She is a good person. I allow her to use my magic freely" they were shocked I was asking this question.

"You want us to trust a complete stranger" "easy then. Poke around her memories. Something will come up" I said and was about to leave. "You changed. I like it" kindness said.

"Your wrong but thank you" I then made her wake up.

Flow POV

My eyes shot open and surprised doctors. They asked me to calm down. I did and waited for my family. But I was staring at the load button. 'If she decides to summon them' I snapped out of it at the rapid steps and my mom tackled me. The others cane in asked what happened. "I spoke to them" I said simply, and Sans used blue magic and I noticed four souls instead of just mine. "They already merged. Since she's half monster then she could take the power. But in small quantities" he said.

I said they were so angry at Flowey, "should be. He abused their power. So only natural" I stared at the wall and then my mind went off topic and remembered my objective. "CRAP" I got out and they said what the issue is. "I uhhhh have to tell Mina something" they mentioned they were coming later. Also, I had to be held for 72 hours. "Really" I glanced at my load button. I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"I'm guessing you want to give them their friends back" I nodded. "Remember Flow not all people are nice. That includes the souls" I listened, and I decided to wait. But everyone was curious why my face was red. 'Wait she's coming later. Like later today' I was suddenly nervous. They saw this and Aunt Chara and mom stared at me closely. "Oh wow" I said yes. 

"To be fair both of us really like her. Why do you think I never take the scarf off unless I fight" they got the picture. I then brought back up my menu. 'Should I bring them all back before Mina comes I thought, and dad thought it best not to still. I then looked up to seem like I was speaking to someone else. 'What do you guys want'

"Woah who's talking to us" 

"Idiot it's probably Flow" 

They just started arguing. "Sorry about them Flow. But honestly it is up to you. The six of us have always been lonely. So, we are fine. I'm the only extravert out of us" Olivia said and I thanked them. "Also, I think flowers are always nice" I thought it maybe might be a good idea.

But my family left me. I got back in the hospital bed and was worried. 'Oh, Olivia I forgot to thank you for allowing me to use your power to help Todoroki' I said, and she said it wasn't a problem. 'Oh, uhhh so I'm prepared. What are the others like' I asked, and they said Integrity was difficult. Especially at forgiving people. "Well then I look forward" I said and then laid down. 

"Well until then"


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