Chapter 5

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Flow POV

So, then time passed by as me being the practical joker. Along with me getting a better handle on my quirk. Or magic. I learned that this was indeed my dad's magic power that he had at some point in his life. I also learned a lot about my dad's side of the family. History wise including. But I sure know a lot about my quirk but the most important thing I was about to find out was my first day of junior high. Oh, also I'm down to fight Undyne now.

But to make a new friend it was with a ash head. I let out his aura that I can apparently just let off whenever I feel like it. It made him freeze up, "hey don't you know how to greet a new pal" I noticed some people were watching. "Turn around and shake my hand" he turned.

(sound effect taken for some reason off of youtube)

I was the only one laughing. When I was done, he didn't look amused. "Yo chill it was just a joke" I threw my hands in the air. I dodged the attack. "This is a first" I dodged and kept dodging. My mom says for some odd reason I'm as fast as my uncle. He may not like it when I call him that but it's what he is. 

"Stay still" "well I'm not going to let you hit me and besides" I grabbed his wrist and his leg and made him fall in his face. But I am shorter than him. Not by much which is how I got him on the ground. "You attacked without reason. Why. I was just messing around" he just got back up and tched. Which confused me but he walked away which confused me even more. 

"Sorry about Kacchan" I turned, and he had green hair. "He is very hard to deal with at times" I said it wasn't an issue. "Still, it was impressive you didn't even get hit once. Izuku Midoriya" I smiled.

"Flow Dreemer. Nice to meet you" I said and we walked to class. "Blondie is very interesting. It'll be a blast messing with him" another thing he's stopped hounding me about killing. "Whats next smiling trash bag the second" I tried not to laugh. 

But the three of us were in the same class. I do spend my time coming up with jokes. In fact I am right now while in class yet my grades never suffer because, "Dreemer" I looked to the teacher. "Since your so caught up in dream land answer this equation" I looked at the multiplication. I took out a notebook and said one sec.

I wrote down the problem and solved it the old-fashioned way. "It's uhhh seven hundred and seventy-eight sir" they were surprisingly impressed.

"Yes that's correct good work" I said thank you then went back to the land of thought. But I snapped out of it when I heard shouting. I looked and Midoriya was being picked on by ash blondie. I flicked him with a pellet getting his attention. 

"WHO DID THAT" his eyes just landed on me because I just so happen to be looking at him. "Did you do that" I said leave him be we're trying to learn. "Who do you think you are" "I don't really want a fight on the first day appearing on my record. So do us both a favor and sit back down" I now noticed the teacher was in the room and not doing anything. "Perhaps I'm the only one out of the loop" what he said reminded me of what Paul said.

"I was called a monster so naturally I came to live with them" a thorn shot out of my palm leaving a hole in my desk. But it went back into my hand as I stood up. "A friend of mine has a ghost quirk what do you think of said quirk" they well Midoriya thought it was a good quirk. 

But blondies hand crackled in fiery explosions. Small ones of course. 'Hmmm' "You think your friend is better than me" "I never said that" but he continued to get angry. "You're going to make a mistake" he went to attack but I like a spike trap stuck thorns out of my body that were sharp enough to rip through steel and diamond. This made him stop his advance. "Well" I asked and it was silent. You could hear the echo of a pen drop. He poked the thorn and noticed he started bleeding immediately after. 

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