Chapter 37

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Flow POV

"A camping trip with friends" I nodded. It was honestly the best I could come up with. I also self-taught myself how to block out my dad. But since it's not Flowey it takes a lot out of me. 

"Who's going" "lets see. We have, Mina of course, Toru, Izuku, and Paul. We're old enough to look after ourselves and we are heroes in training" I said and they bought my smile. I was actually indeed bringing my friends. "Fine. Toru has always been responsible with check ups" I chuckled and had my stuff packed. "How long you plan on being gone" I tried to remember how fast or slow was monster time compared to humans. 

"Uhhhh. Week and a half" "where are we going" Flowey was trying to pick my brain but wasn't getting anything. 

"Ok but remember. Don't worry us to much. Check-ins are a priority" I found it funny they didn't ask where. Then again there are woods not that far away from the house. "Be careful" my mom advised me. 

"I will" I opened the door and everyone was there. But I wasn't expecting Sans there. I waved and walked over to them. 

"Kiddo the others in that body of yours know what your doing right" I looked away. "Also thank you for not telling Chara that you have the younger version of herself in you" I said it wasn't a problem. I then figured it out, "Paul asked you to come for safety reasons didn't he" he asked if it was that obvious. We all grabbed Uncle Sans hands and we teleported. 

My friends knew where we were going. But I now on the way there was telling them.

In Flows head 

"WHAT NO" Flowey and the other souls were dumbfounded. "YOUR MOTHER WORKED HARD TO FREE EVERYONE" "but my mom has the reset button not me. I just have a respawn button. Besides we have Sans with us and not to mention an eight souled god" he couldn't argue. "Besides a reset. No. I would never want that" I said straight out. 

"Better not be planning the containers" I tilted my head. "Nevermind" I said I wasn't going to do anything stupid. "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight" it was Justice. "If this goes to hell then I get to shoot you" I said fine.

"This isn't very kind" "I know but I was refused answers. This was my only choice" I said and fought against Flowey for control. "I'm in control" I said. "Look you guys may not like it but Flowey refused along with everyone in town. I can even tell Sans isn't happy" I said and I was walking carefully outside my head. "Just I need to do this. I don't know why but something tells me I have to" Flowey what looked like was thinking. "Fine but if your doing this and you run into danger" my eyes widened. "We're not helping. Use your quirk" he said and I said ok.

But I reminded him, "I promised everyone that I would only use this power for good" I said straight out. "Fine but then Flowey can I ask you to keep dad out of our head" he said he could do that. "I don't want to worry him" they said.

"Also you 8. Nothing will happen. I just hope I don't have to fight anyone. My atk would dust any monster" they didn't disagree. 

But Chara asked something, "if you do this then" I was shocked. "Stay away from my save files. Otherwise the memories will be much worse. I'll keep my mind closed so even those don't be noticeable" I nodded saying thank you. The others said they would do the same. 

"Thank you"

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