Chapter 40

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Flow POV

I stopped at the door before going back into Hotland. Everyone said it'll be alright. So, this is what happened when we first entered Hotland.

As soon as we exited, I started steaming. Like I was about to catch fire. I followed Sans and them then actually caught fire again. I ran to where Sans instructed and somehow found a river. But I didn't question it as I jumped in. When I was put out and healed, I got out of the river and noticed the monster on the boat.

I knew magic was no no right now, but I got ready. Sans told me to relax. But he spoke in I recognize wing dings, but I can't speak it. But we all got on the boat. "Funny really. How the barrier is broken yet monsters remain down here" I asked why they were still down here. "Oh, it's because they still need transportation. Even though I can only be accessed at certain places. But I'm still needed. When I'm not it's when I might leave" my friends asked if they had any family.

"I don't believe so" Sans looked away. But we arrived a blue area where the ceiling had dots. I'm guessing so they represent stars. "Really" it made me a little sad. I then while we were walking immediately was interested by the new flower. "What's this"

"What's this"

It came from the plant in front of me, "an echo flower. Waterfall is full of them" I asked if there are any place, I can get seeds. "Oh, geez your dad's going to definitely flip" I said I don't care.

"Eh it'll grow on him" he laughed. Mina also laughed as Sans showed me somewhere. I grabbed a couple and put them in my seed bag. We then continued, "I wonder if they use regular water to grow or magic" I said geeking out. But I stopped when I bumped into Izuku. It made me look away from the seeds and my mouth dropped.

It seemed like a brawl to the death happened. Dust was everywhere. I was certainly scared. I walked over with the rest of them and let down a tear. "How could someone" I took a deep breath. "Calm down" I said as Mina took my hand.

But we continued and suddenly I heard snow under my feet. "Snowing while underground. Suuuuuuure" we decided to set up camp in a house. Specifically, the biggest. Which so happened to be Uncle Sans house. But we opened the door, and it was dusty. Which made the skeleton clean it. We set up camp in the living room. But one thing drew my attention immediately.

"Why's there a random moldy sock" Sans appeared. "That's mine" "pick it up" "maybe later" I had a feeling he wouldn't. But I did look above the sock and noticed it seemed like a conversation between sticky notes. I walked around and twitched at the kitchen sink. "Why's it as tall as the ceiling" my friends walked in and were shocked as well.

"Don't know. It was like that when me and Papyrus moved in" he said, and I walked around the house more as my friends got more stuff about how monsters and that work. But I was drawn to a door that seemed like flames were coming from underneath.

The door was locked but the next one screamed Papyrus from what mom told me.  I then examined a door in between theirs. My friends yelled they weren't heading to bed. It seemed subconscious that I put my hand on the door. "Best not touch that" I jumped at my uncle's presence. I listened since I also met his father.

"I'm sorry for your loss then" he mentioned he was technically still alive. "Not wrong" I said and went downstairs to sleep.

In the morning I texted my parents because they were probably worried sick. To prove point they panic texted. In which I told them to relax. But then a sudden call hit my phone and it mom. Everyone in my head yelled at me not to answer but I told them it would be suspicious that I was able to text but not call.

"H-hello" worrying was on the other line. "Yes, I'm fine" she said good, and we talked and Flowey helped me do believable lies. When the worrying call was over is when everyone calmed down because you could hear them even when the volume was low on my phone. "Well, that was an eventful call" I said, and Sans woke up last curiosity got me when I saw a tv. I pushed the button and it surprisingly still worked. Though nothing was on. 

I turned it off and everyone was ready to head out the door. Which we did after I almost barfed looking at the moldy food in the fridge. But when we exited the atmosphere felt almost wrong. "You feel that" I asked Sans and he nodded. But then I noticed a monster in the middle of town, and they what seemed like a grey version of the armless guy in the monster town. "Weird" Sans told me not to approach them and his voice made me stop. 

"Lets go around him" we said alright, and I checked them, and my eyes widened.


Attack: 5403 Def: 9999 HP: dnwqjipnDQNPNJp

I was so confused on HP, and it wasn't thinking. Like no mind of its own. We successfully got around him without them seeing us luckily. But I seemed to be the only one to hear the whimpering. I looked around and it sounded like me, but I couldn't see them. So, I ignored it for now and caught up. 

We showed up and it was a bridge everyone stopped at. I inspected the ropes, and they looked like they were about to collapse. 'Steven please. We might need your help here. I can' and neither might Sans be able to get everyone in one warp and we might need magic for defense later' I asked politely. 

He looked at the situation. 'Have Paul help' true I never thought about that. "Sans you think it we can warp. If not me, you and Paul can each take one" he seemed to be thinking and he agreed. So, I took Mina and Sans took my invisible friend and we teleported over. I then watched as Paul carefully carried Izuku over. I let out a breath of relief. I then along with I think Chara and Flowey felt something off. So, I immediately felt them come to assist in this area.  

"Welcome to Snowdins wild. Where all the monsters that stayed behind from what my sources say now to be where all the monsters live. Everyone stays on your toes" we nodded. 'Remember Flow. Pacifism' 

"But try not to hurt them. I think everyone here could easily dust any monster here" they said ok.

As we moved through Snowdin forest

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