Chapter 17

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Flow POV

I shortcut to school the next day and noticed there was a crowd. The text box magic my uncle taught me appeared above my head and a bunch of question marks appeared. But I walked through them with ease surprising my teacher. "What's going on" "they are here to know how All Might is doing as a teacher" I asked if he wanted them gone. "Would help" I nodded and walked towards one with a Mic.

"Excuse me" they responded with a Mic to my face. They asked me several questions. "Apologies but he won't be able to answer any at the moment" I released an aura that without question made them run away shocking the heroes protecting the school gates. "What did you do" I let the aura go subconsciously. "I uhhhhhh have no idea. All I said was he wouldn't be able to answer any questions right now" I knew it was the Flowers fault, but I didn't know what he did.

So, I decided to ask later and walked inside when I noticed something but decided against acting on it. I was the last sadly to arrive again surprising my friends. Also, I for some reason subconsciously grabbed the phone from yesterday. But since I didn't really need to worry about Blondie anymore, I relaxed a bit until mid-class I got a text on the phone.

'Get everyone's number on this phone then give it back' I was thinking of how this would help and my eyes widened. 'To keep tabs on everyone' I despised it but I quickly put everyone that was in my contacts. So, Mina, Hagakure and then at lunch worked on the others.

Afterwards as I gave it back, "ok thanks. Now then my mouth is sealed if yours is. Need anything else" I started thinking as I pointed to the hole in the wall. "A break in is going to happen" he said I would shush. "True very true" I was getting fed on solar energy and I'm guessing he didn't bring a lunch but bought one to not be suspicious. Buuuuuuuuuut he was still eating it. He asked if we are done here. "Yes" he went to sit down as did I.

I was sitting by Uraraka when she asked if Iida is he was a rich kid, but the complement made me spit the drink I was drinking.

"Yes. I'm the brother of Ingenium. But I'm nothing compared to the Dreemers estate or multiple floor apartment or whatever the building is. They are the impressive ones" I was hiding the embarrassment behind the scarf. "Wait isn't that" she and Iida turned to me. "Your name" "I uhhh ummm. Don't think we're that wealthy" but suddenly alarms started blaring. Panic started to ensue. Apparently, it was the intruder alarm. Everyone was gathered and panicked. No one could get out any doors.

I threw my hand up and the now black and white hallway made everyone be quiet. "Hey isn't this UA the school for the best of the best. So let's act like it and calm down. Look outside will you. It's only the media. So, let's get ourselves under control" I said loudly. They luckily calmed down. I then made the halfway a hallway again.

Afterwards in class we were picking class monitors. "What why" I said as I was president and Yaoyorozu was vice. Mr. Aizawa said no take backs. But I knew I had to have a word with him.

So, after the end of the day, I drug him somewhere. "Ok I sense the tension. What is your problem with me huh" I moved in front of him when he tried to go away. "You're intimating but my Uncle beats you tenfold. I remember as a joker myself I didn't laugh at one of his jokes and the sere silence over the phone scared me" he was surprised. "Now Mr. Aizawa I won't take no for an answer. What is your problem" I asked.

Aizawa POV

"I won't take no for an answer what is your problem" she asked more like demanded. 'Is she, his kid. She has more than one, they are all definitely mutant.  Did he have a daughter' "hello." 'Did he' "HEY" it snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So, you going to tell me or not. We don't got all night" I looked outside, and it was pitch black out. "I can shortcut home at any point, so I got all night. But you don't. So" I wanted to be careful. "Do you have more than one quirk" "that's a difficult question" 'how is it a difficult question' "what would you say if an adult that completely stopped" my eyebrow was twitching.

"I'll just call it plant/magic being" I said there is no such thing as magic. "Or is there" I said there isn't. "But how do you know for certain" she suddenly wasn't in front of me. "It's how I calmed everyone down" I whipped around and there she was wearing my capture weapon and I was wearing her red scarf. She laughed and went to give it back but holding it in one hand caused struggling. I took it and she let out a breath of relief. "I don't know how you wear that" I shrugged. But she returned to her neutral self to start explaining. 

"It runs on its own separate energy. But it's also a part of me" she looked around and chances are the principal isn't here. She offered her hand and I saw she wasn't smiling that typical grin.

When I took her hand, we were in the air thousands of feet in the air which made me panic. "Don't move" I now noticed we were standing on something. It was humongous. "Overkill just for something to stand on I know" I looked around and I saw the sign that all people feared to see. The nuclear label. "Gravity doesn't apply to the things we create" she said.

"It's not possible to defy the laws of gravity" "yet what about Urarakas quirk zero gravity. Or flying quirks. Physics aren't a thing, and you know it. You're just not willing to admit it" she motioned to me to come to where we can see the city. Minus the clouds and it was a beautiful view. "Sad really that only a fall like this would make me see those signs again" I asked what she was talking about. "Oh, was I talking out loud. But magic does exist. It's what happened during the entrance exam. It runs through my veins" suddenly an orange steady flame appeared in her right hand as her right eye lit red. But pure Destructive fire lit in her left hand and her eye became pitch black.

"I don't want to tell people but Eraserhead. I have the power to bring extinction" I got ready to fight. "But I don't want this power. Nor can I not have it" I asked what she was going to do.

Flow POV

"I mean I could jump. But then if I did decide to die then he would definitely destroy everything" he asked who.

"Why me of course" he came through the back of my neck. "Howdy I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower" I twitched. "Be happy we're on your side. No really. Without her I would" my glare shut him up. "But that's Flowey the genocide killer. I'm Flow the neutral person. I would like to help the people in need. Yet this isn't even the least I can do" I focused fire power in multiple bullets. I then shot them into the air, "what are you" I pointed my finger like a gun and fired a small laser and I started a fire work show. "Mr. Aizawa, I know you're going to go to Nezu about this. But can I ask you to only tell him. No one else can know"

"Why not" "look at this" I motioned to what we are standing on. "It looks like instant death" I grabbed him, and we went back on the ground. "I mean look at it" he looked up and a nuke the size a two-story office building would scare anyone. I mean it was just sitting there. In the sky. But it surprised him when it just vanished into thin air. "Where'd it go" "away hopefully forever. I never want to make anything that big again" I said stretching. "The exhaustion is kicking in geez" I said.

"But please Mr. Aizawa promise you won't tell anyone" I asked.

Eraserhead POV

I was thinking hard. 'Means no harm. Yet could wipe out the human race in seconds. She's not his daughter then' I sighed. "You're a problem child for sure. You'll be a pain" she said sorry as the plant just smiled. "I'll walk you home" she nodded, and we started on our way.

We got there around midnight, and it appears she sent something inside and she looked panicked. "They aren't asleep" she opened the door. "H-hi" "heya" I waved. "Getting scolded" "how'd you know dad" "you know. Head to bed for school tomorrow" so she went, and I was left with them. "It's been some time you two" I said, and they nodded.

"I hope you're not causing problems yourself Shouta" "Dreemer you know you don't stand a chance. Why do you want to fight me every time you see me" he before he exploded was knocked out by the passive girl. "Sorry about him. He still has a child in him. But he means no harm" she said I responded with. "I'm aware" I said and walked towards the door. "See you around Dreemer" I opened it and went on patrol.

"Problem child"

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