Chapter 39

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Flow POV

We woke up and got everything ready then left. Paul popped out of my friend after we got out of the city. We also met up with Sans, "didn't say anything about spending a night" "would have been suspicious. Just enter the city then leave directly after" he couldn't argue. But sighed and followed him to the mountain. "Which way do you want to enter. Through the hole the kids fell down or the way we exited" I asked to go backwards. 

"Flow are you sure. I'm getting bad vibes from here" before we entered Sans first flat out said that King Asgore wasn't always a great guy. 'King' was my only responding thought. We entered and at first it was very dark. We all held hands and Mina was squeezing mine. Then we saw an archway. I saw Sans watching me closely. I then I didn't press it. I just dodged a button, 'Erase' 

"HEY THATS MINE" Chara yelled. I simply broke the button making Sans smile. Chara ended up complaining. But we continued through the place and Mina kept ahold of my hand. Then we entered a room with a large chair in the center and I looked and another one had a sheet on it. "Asgore changed quite a lot. You'll see why" we walked through the room, but I heard an ow and a tink of glass. I turned and my eyes widened at seven large containers. 

"Thats them" I heard several curses and names that insulted my grandpa. I said he changed, and they saw that. I continued to follow my Uncle. Mina I could tell was quite worried about me. But she pulled me close and suddenly it was the opposite of this whole trip. She was comforting me. 

"I uhhh thanks" I was bright red. But we walked into a large orange hallway. I just saw Sans staring at a spot on the floor. He said to give him a moment. Which we did. I didn't want to say a pun in case he would get sad. "This is Sans room. Where he fought both me and Frisk" I stared and understood. I looked out the window and it was so bright. 

I saw and walked up steps with my friends following. I noticed an elevator to my right and a long grey pathway to my left. I noticed instead of buttons it had directions of left and right buttons on the arrow pad. When Sans joined us, he asked which direction. The elevator just reaches the other side of the long walk. I did a unanimous vote. We said the elevator and the Lazy monster of course voted the faster way. 

I then people noticed my head whipped to the left before I got onto the elevator. I noticed they blended in. They seemed like another me. But they had no eyes. But when I blinked, they were gone. "What is it Flow" "nothing I just thought I saw someone" I got in and indeed I felt it go sideways instead of up and down. 

When we got out, we continued to walk, and I saw another elevator, but it had vines on it. Mina burned it with acid when I couldn't cut it. But we entered a long hallway with only one right turn. I then when we walked up some steps which mind you, we didn't expect which was twenty or so flights. 'How ripped are you' I just heard giggling. So we took a break in 

"No better place" Sans said. "This is Asgores old house" he said, and it looked like it was awkward when one of us said restroom. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I deadpanned and everyone that was a monster in my head remained silent. It was Izuku. He looked around and eventually found one, but we looked around and when I looked into a mirror, I did see me, but I also saw eight ghosts behind us. But I also wasn't expecting a check button to appear. 

'It's just us' 

It creeped me out to say the least. But I opened a door, and it was a yellow room with a big ass bed. I looked around and the dust made me sneeze. "SO MUCH DUST" I heard a yell, and it was in the room over. I walked over and noticed the light didn't work meaning I used the Chara heart flame fire to light up the room and my eyes widened. 'I never seen this room' I heard Chara say. 'It had chains and was locked on it' it was a stairway. 

I jumped, "best not go down their kiddo" the skeleton that was guiding us said. But Jake was nudging me. "You can't undo what you're going to see if you go down" I said fine and closed the door and walked into the bedroom that the others were in. 

"This was our rooms" both of them said. It was dusty. Well, everything was, "so many kid toys" I said, and ones was I think a spinning top. But I noticed two gifts on a dresser and ignored it because I thought best. But the house looked roomy. But one thing was clear as Sans teleported around. He was dusting. "I thought he was lazy" I said flat out as Mina grabbed my hand again. 

"I don't mind dust, but it was too much" I nodded, and we then continued when we were no longer exhausted. The front had a dead tree and dead leaves on the ground, but the flowers underneath was somehow still alive. But we entered this dark area. We got out of there and it was so futuristic. "Wow" "it's still on really" Sans said. "This is the core. It's what powers the underground" I was amazed. I noticed an elevator. "That would get us to the next floor faster" my head somehow and reason turned the other direction. "I feel something through the ground" I said, and Sans pushed me behind him then. I saw out of the shadows a monster. 

They seemed like a Froggit. I checked, and what it read sort of creeped me out. 'It's hungry' I was scared. "Starving" I took from my bag an apple and banana and threw it, and it landed in front of them and they ate it and settled. "Why's it still down here" "not all monsters left the underground" I said alright. "But most of the Core left. Mostly only the ruin monsters stayed. Considering they didn't make the treck" I checked the monsters HP and 0.1. 

"It was on its last legs" I healed them, and I wasn't expecting a fight and as soon for some reason when my soul appeared they fled. "Weird" I said, and we took the elevator. We also walked around Hotland and water evaporated. I also caught fire multiple times. But it stopped when we reached this building. I believe it or not was stuck on one HP when we got here which freaked Sans out. But my regeneration started kicking in. "I think we should set up camp for today" he said more like declared. "I do know one monster that is still down here and actually doesn't need food" he then walked out the door we just came in and the place was huge I also noticed this huge camera system. 

But I went up this like moving sidewalk and I could instantly tell this was Alphys's home. 'So much mew mew kissy cutie' I was twitching but noticed a couple cubes. I also updated me parents. Also, apparently the underground ran on human time for some reason. I then went down another one and the cubes were beds. Which weren't dusty. We when we were set up noticed the power went out suddenly. Well accept the AC which I was happy about. 

We all called it a day and I went into my head. "See not all that bad yet" I said and just looked at them. 'What would Sans look like paired with their power be' images flashed in my head but the deadliest combo was defiantly Chara. But I looked at Olivia. I then looked at my hand. 'At Training camp' I thought but we chatted all night considering you can't be tired when your technically not awake. 

The following morning, we all were surprised that Sans was literally sleeping standing up. 'Thats some strength. Suddenly he woke up and I froze his attack midair confusing me. "I-i can't move" both of us said. 'What's going on' but suddenly.

'What's the kid doing here' we both realized this. "WHY CAN WE HEAR EACH OTHERS THOUGHTS" "but dude you really leave socks lying around' "HEY NOT AS MUCH ANYMORE" I laughed and when I lowered my arm we could move again. I then checked my souls and my eyes widened.

I noticed Jessica's soul split into Sans. But she wasn't in any pain. I made it come back and she was whole again. "Well, that's new" I opened and closed my hand.  I also destroyed Sans's attack. "But anyway, what's the big idea attacking like that" I huffed.

"Sorry. Got startled is all" my friends asked who the monster was. But as we were following him, I felt a tug making me stop. "What is it kiddo" I opened the door, and it wasn't a restroom. But stairs, "yeah that's a lab but nothing interesting" he said, and I shut the door.

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