Chapter 3

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Flow POV

"That's amazing Flow" Hagakure, one of my bestest friends, said. Also, his voice has constantly stayed with me. "Since you always were curious it must be awesome to finally meet them. You'll have to tell me what they are like" I said alright. "I mean if they are anything like your dad it'll be a blast" I smiled.

"Well, the actual one thing that worries me is that my mom said my uncle is very scary sometimes. But loves puns" I smirked. "Please don't Flow" my smile got bigger. "Don't please" I listened for once.

"I think it'll be eventful" I mainly did it because I didn't feel like saying a pun. Or I just changed my mind.

But skip to visiting others.

"Now Flow some of my family and family's friends are incredibly crazy. But they have been wanting to visit. But I guess your mother thought it best not to. But I thought it was time. Also be wary of my mother" he said, and I could tell something in him was scared. "Also be very wary of Sans if you show your quirk at all" we were driving for a long time. We eventually reached a part of the country that I thought didn't really exist. It didn't really seem on any map.

But the streets looked normal. But I did feel a sudden presence beside me. "Heya" he looked like a skeleton. But I did jump at the sudden appearance.

"Hi Sans" he said hello in the laziest way possible. "How has Chara been" suddenly something in me felt warm. "Well, when they heard you were coming, they went crazy. Really excited to say the least" his eyes shifted to me. His hand reached to me, and I saw humor in my mother's eyes.

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal. Shake my hand" I grabbed his hand, and a fart sound was heard. I laughed, "The old whoopie cushion in the hand gag always funny" when I finished.

"Well then tibia honest I ain't really a physical gag person. But that was quite humorous" he cracked up as did mom. Dad was annoyed though. "I think I like her already. But I think the ultimate test is Chara. She isn't impressed with jokes, kid. But the ultimate ultimate test is the fish" he said, and my parents said we were seeing my grandparents first. "Ok then see you" he then vanished.

"He's interesting," I said, and we arrived at some point.

The house wasn't big or wasn't small. It was just right. But the things I noticed instantly on the door frames were damaged. Horn marks were on them, like actually. I had to go to the toilet when we entered, and dad pointed the way. When I entered there was a mirror in front of the toilet. Which was just plane odd? But what was even more odd is when I stared at it for a little longer and something popped up.

 Which was just plane odd? But what was even more odd is when I stared at it for a little longer and something popped up

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I jumped back but it vanished as soon as it appeared. But then 'Wait a minute' I looked at my hair. 'S-so it did actually happen. Who were they' I then finished and went to greet my grandparents for the first time.

They were very VERY tall. They both were goats like dad. My grandpa confused me the most. He had a beard and hair around his horns. 'But he already has hair' I thought. I knew dad was trying to catch up to him, but he said he keeps trimming it because it bothers him. "So you must be Flow. We heard a lot about you. Though we would have liked to meet you sooner. But better late than never" the man let out a bellow of a laugh. There was a crown on the fireplace. But then I'm guessing my grandma came in with a pie. She was a goat too but had a very loving aura. A teacher like feeling. 'Smells good' was my only thought at the time about the pie though. "Guess no talking to you until you try her pies" he sipped tea and offered me a seat. I noticed my parents weren't in sight. "They had a friend to visit. They'll be back or we'll show you around" I thanked them and tried the pie and it was like time stopped.

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