Chapter 19

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Flow POV

This was the first day this has happened. My alarm went off and I lazily slapped the alarm turning it off. 'Thats new' he said, and I groggily got out of bed. "Yea" I got out of bed, but I felt zapped. I walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. 'What the hell' we thought in unison.

My reflection showed that my hair was becoming a brighter yellow and a darker green. But not only that but my eyes were becoming to look more like a flower. But then it was so sudden. My respawn and die buttons appeared. A new button suddenly appeared in the middle.


'Is that' I pressed it and a bunch of files came up. 'I'm jumping us. Sans and Chara need to know right now' before I could protest, I was already in their house. They jumped coming down the stairs.

"Uhh heya kiddo what's up" he wasn't joking probably because he just woke up. Suddenly Flowey came from my shoulder. "I brought us here to show you something that literally just happened five seconds ago" "this couldn't have waited until coffee" Chara asked. "No, it couldn't. This is important. She has another button" that woke Sans right the hell up. "Show Chara" I pulled up my menu and showed her. "Hold on those are" "our saves" Flowey and Chara said finishing each other's sentence.

"Frisk needs to know. What time does they wake up" "uhhh moms probably already on her way out the door" suddenly we were in front of her making her jump.

Also, I've never seen her hero suit. She had a bow staff on her back and a frying pan for some reason on her hip. Suddenly Chara and Uncle Sans appeared beside us. "Kiddo you need to see this" "I'm not a kid" I showed them my load button and she freaked out. "How'd you get that" "I woke up and it was there. Then Flowey shortcut us to Uncle Sans house then back here. I have no idea what's happening" I said plainly.

"Also Flow" I suddenly felt something in my eyes. Mom grabbed my hand and drug us inside. We ran to the downstairs bathroom, and I was looking in the mirror again and noticed they now looked almost exactly like a buttercup. But it had this star shape thing in it. 

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"Flow I need you to touch the mirror" I was confused at what my mother was asking me, but I did, and a much larger window appeared.


It was the time when my mother pulled out her phone. "Oh dear" "she doesn't have continue" I started to get it but it didn't turn yellow confirming me saving. Instead, it closed and the load menu popped back up. "Chara go get Asriel" "can someone please explain what's going on please" I was starting to get frustrated. "Just tell me what's happening" I looked in the mirror again. "At least my eyes look cool. But the hair is way to yellow" they were surprised I wasn't worried or panicking.

But my father came and I showed him. "Yeah those are our saves. Meaning" they all looked at me. "She's able to access Charas LV and when Flowey had the seven human souls" I looked at the time quickly. "I'll be late for school" I said and they asked me to stay home. "Remember what I said. I'll be using this power for good. Besides Flowey can explain it. More like I'll force him to on the way there" I shortcut all through the house to get ready.

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