Chapter 34

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Asreil POV

I was in the hospital with Frisk along with Flow passed out in their bed, "their heart is steady and still working. Along with everything else. She just won't wake up" I was thinking.

'No, it can't be that simple' I brought them into a battle. I looked at their soul and noticed a bit of red. "It seems Flowey is full" the doctor had no idea. "Sorry you can go we know what's causing this" I said, and they left.

"Asriel what do you me-" "I mean the determination in Flowey has finally shown up. Meaning those save files might look awfully tempting when they wake up" we got ready.

Meanwhile with Flow

I was with the souls and Flowey staring at what seemed like a mini version of Aunt Chara. "What?" the soul was red.

"Chara why are you here" Flowey asked, and her eyes turned red. I checked and a LV of 20 was staring right at me. "Wait" Flowey pushed us all back and followed us back.

"What's going on Flowey" I asked, and he said it was his basic other half. "When I was softy and absorbed Charas soul first. Then when Alphys brought me back" I stared. "Looks like we're fighting my bad side" I got ready as did the others.

"How really. You didn't see what we did. Would you like to" "can already picture it. Ain't a trick that I don't know of" she smiled, and a real ass knife appeared. Then it started glowing red. "Don't let her hit you" I dodged last second.

I dodged everything. I then held her in the air, "you'll see. Those save files look awfully tempting now that you faced yourself huh. So, what's stopping you" her knife connected with my thorns. "I don't need it. I'm strong enough" I sent her flying.

"Please your nothing without his power. The sports festival was a joke. You just got lucky" I sighed. "Yes, maybe I did. But that is beside the point. If you think I'm useless without his power, then I'll show you that you are very wrong" I teleported dodging.

But she thought it was over when she slashed me, but I just hit her away. "Again. I'm strong enough as it is. So, I don't need that power" where she attacked me started healing. "I don't need healing items. But you do" I held out my hand and turned her blue. "You are stuck in the past" she kept trying but kept failing. "As soon as I'm a hero I won't ever fail to capture a villain" I grabbed and threw her without taking injuries.

But then something was brought up that everyone, but Flowey was unaware of. "What about during the soul check with Sans. You wanted to fight" I gripped my fist hard.

The other souls asked if that was true. I just took a deep breath. "That was once. But I knew he could have killed me a million times over. Which was unlike you. Killing for fun. You shouldn't be the one to decide who lives or dies. Neither should I. So, let's just finish this" I said, and she noticed I started turning to green.

"Please" she ran at me, but I sunk into the ground shocking her. I then came back from underground behind her. I then started a fight and the black and white area appeared. "Please. I'll let the guest to go first" she did and I dodged.

"I'll do my finishing attack" I turned her soul green so they couldn't move. I sent bullets at them and they managed to move the knife to block all of them in time. I then made the box have thorns on the top and bottom. She managed to dodge. They managed to avoid everything. "Maybe this is familiar" I turned their soul blue and smashed them around the box a lot depleting their HP. All the way to one.

"Now for a mega big brain play" I did nothing. She seemed annoyed, "bringing back painful and frustrating memories. Flowey was watching that fight for your information. I do have the magic stamina" I relaxed and my magic depleted and she attacked even when it wasn't their turn but something different happened.

Their blade broke. "What" "steel. Such a flimsy thing. I find growing around diamond much more effective. After all this is my plain. I can do what I want with the environment. Right now I'm copying a tree growing around diamond. Which in turn makes my body as hard as diamond" I smirked. They even tried to punch or even kick me.

"That's cheating" "so is attacking when it's not your turn. But then again there isn't no turns. Not in real combat. The Hero Killer attacked twice in a row. The concept of turn based fighting is nonsense" I grabbed the small child.  I held them in the air. "Just be peaceful. There isn't no reset for you to abuse in here anyway. Just a load button that only works if you have my permission.

I'm the driver in this body" I declared, and she tried to fight against my grip. "Besides the real you is very much alive and happy" that made them stop. "She's no genocidal murder either. In fact, in a happy relationship" she sighed and admitted defeat.

"If there really isn't any body to go back to then I'll stay here I guess" she said, and I noticed she became semi see through and I saw her soul was weak. "What" I held up my hand as did Olivia. We healed them and their soul was whole again. "But I just tried to kill you" I said it was a misunderstanding. "I don't know" I said it was nothing and asked if she would behave if I woke up. "I guess I owe you now."

So, I opened my eyes and were in the hospital once again.

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