Chapter 36

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Flow POV

My parents said they would watch. Which I already knew was breaking things. Considering that things would be well difficult. They said to make sure it's under control.

But I entered the arena and it was naturally a city. More specifically one that had many alleyways. "Hmmm" the giant doors shut. 'Go for extra points or just escape' I thought and used the new knife to melt the ice being shot at me. 'Almost forgot' 'how can you almost forget' one argued with me. But suddenly it was faster than Todoroki's. The cement beneath me was covered in ice.

"Geez that quirk is powerful" "the handicap is that I'm not allowed to wear my heated scarf" he said not slipping on the ice.

I got ready buuuuuuuuuuuut I started slipping. I made the knife bigger and stabbed the ground to keep me in place. 'Can't really do much. I'll slip' I shot my arm to a streetlight.

Also an underground hero choosing to fight in the open where they have a disadvantage is bad. But bringing him into the cold of the shade might be good. "You've improved. But" he threw something and it exploded and the fire followed me. I made blue skates like the sports festival and ran away. I sent pellets at him and of course he blocked with ice armor. But I shot and grabbed a top of a building and flew onto the building.

I took a breath, "man he's good" I sent a bug and they flew around. He was looking around for me and I saw the gate. I was actually decently close. "I could Spiderman this" I said and then jumped off.

I then shot my arm and grabbed another building top. I was also dodging the ice shots surprisingly good. But I noticed when the shards hit the building it didn't break the window but froze it instead. I eventually landed and it seemed he booby trapped the gate because I was hooked into it seemed place by a......bear trap. Well considering my bones were adjustable I didn't worry. I tried to open it with thorns but nope. I tried the knife but no and even strength.

I decided and sighed when I chopped my legs off and grew them back almost immediately. I then shot bullets everywhere and the other traps were now not working. I walked towards the gate and was about to step out when my feet froze. "Almost" I was frozen within seconds. "Close" I just smirked.

My thorns shot out breaking the ice instantly and since he was beside me and caught off guard I successfully cuffed him. "I win" he thought about it. "You had this all planned out from the start. Didn't you" I said maybe.

"Tibia honest I wasn't planning anything. Just winged it. I wasn't planning on you using your ice quirk. But then again it would've been the best weapon considering that your Eraser doesn't work on mutations" I said and he said unfortunately.

"If it did no way would you have escaped" I agreed with him. "Also since you passed there will be a summer training camp the last week of summer vacation" I nodded and said perfect timing. "Why is that" "taking secret time off" everyone inside my head were clueless. "Well ok. But be aware your parents are in uproars of panic because this is the second time you passed out. Don't need to worry to worry them even more" he said and I said I was going to actually worry them quite alot actually.

"Flow we never said anything about going on a trip" I didn't respond to him and told my teacher ok.

Little did I know I would getting myself into a huge mess

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