Chapter 25

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Flow POV

"Seriously" I said to the boy with an ice and fire quirk. He challenged me out of the blue while we were in the waiting room. "Only beat me with your ice. You saw what I did the other day right" he said of course. "Then your insane. Not to mention you already know my weakness" I complained.

"I will beat you only using my right side" I sighed as he had a set mind. "Fine but you'll lose that way" he ignored that. 'Stay inside me for this thing ok' he agreed.

But we walked out, and everyone cheered. But when we got to where we were standing my class say my face turn white and looked where I was staring. My parents were in the hero section cheering me on. Along with Sans and Chara in the stands. 'Really' I twitched but paid attention to midnight. 'I say we bring out the inner joker in you today. What do you say' "alright" I responded, and Midnight said it was an obstacle course after Bakugo claimed he was going to come up first.

So, anything was fair as long as it stayed on the course. 'What were your human soul abilities' the flower was shocked. But he explained and none of it would maybe be good for this event. But I opened the load menu and Flowey explained each file. Along with explaining the Chara files.

But I jumped avoiding the ice. 'File 3' I pressed it and loaded. I then noticed I had the ability to summon light blue knives. I then used them to skate. 'Smart' he said, and I blasted ahead of everyone. I also noticed out the corner of my eye Midoriya. I caught up to Todoroki and the knives went through the ice. "The Zero Pointer" I was shaking a little. Mainly because this thing killed me.

But then it was sudden, "hey it's you" I whipped around, and it was the blonde I saved actually. "Nice to see you here. Oh, never got to introduce myself" he held out his hand. "Neito Monoma" I smiled.

"Flow Dreemer" I held his hand. "Nice to meet youuuuu" he seemed to be twitching. "Are you ok" I asked. He snapped out of it and asked if I was bluffing. "What reason would I have" I said and grabbed him and dodged the robotic punch. "Well thank you and good luck" I ran ahead and jumped into the air. I spawned a bomb and blew up a robot.

I amazed people and believe it or not jumped the entire chasm in one leap. I then walked. I also easily walked through the minefield. Without taking damage luckily.

I placed tenth. "Finally Flow Dreemer. Her quirk is plant body and regeneration. She has the aspects of a plant. Which yes include a thorn of a rose" I demonstrated. "Also, food is optional for her. She can also reattach body parts. I'll be honest first time I saw it I was about to barf. She's the strongest in her class. Her regeneration is pretty self-explanatory" he said, and they asked about the bomb. "It's magic" I laughed silently when they didn't believe it. Well as did, mom, Sans, Dad and Chara.

"Suuuuuuure" he snickered. Monoma finished really late.

He came over and said mine was pretty useful then. "Yea but what's yours" he explained the complexities of his quirk. He was also actually willing to hear about the magic nonsense. "What really" he saw my eyes showed excitement. I held up my hands and several bullets showed and he was impressed. I showed color magic next and noticed a scrape. "Here" he noticed I held one up and when the green pellet hit him, he noticed he felt much better.

"Green can heal wounds. While with light blue, it won't hit you unless you stay still. But with orange you have to keep moving" he started understanding. He also seemed open minded. But a Calvary Battle was next, "team" he said of course. "Wait can you copy my magic" I held out my hand and when he touched my hand, I noticed he was only able to summon one. "Kinda" we formed a straight and he gathered two more from his class.

He asked all magic I can use, and he was shocked by the amount. He started thinking and decided on the formation. "What me on top" he nodded. "I guess it makes sense" I said and got into position. He told me his plan and it was incredibly smart. I stared at Midoriya. When they said go, I was fast. I teleported and switched bands with Midoriya.

"Got it" I tied it to my head and flipped it backwards. "Now all we have to do is stay back and watch them fight amongst themselves" but unfortunately, Bakugo noticed. "Well crap" I held my hand in the air and held him there. "No" I threw him back to his team. They caught him. I smiled at Mina. "Let's win this" I said simply, and we played it safe. 

We avoided conflict and I stopped anyone that came near. We encountered Todoroki last. "Ready" I turned my hand into Flowey's flames and melted and destroyed the ice. I then turned my arm to thorns, and it made him hesitate. I immediately ducked away from the flames. I got my taken points. But.

"Todoroki" I shot my arm and got five bands from around his neck. "Nice try" I said, and we made second. 

I then got off and we all high fived. But then Todoroki asked to speak to me. "Umm sure" I followed, and he said something about a marriage thingy. "I don't get it but just to get a kid that's stronger sounds like bull" "I thought I was the cold one" Flowey said. He said yes. "I'm guessing it's a promise not to use it. But Todoroki. You know your ice won't work against me. But your persistence could get you killed by your own quirk. You will have to use it. Everyone's power brings danger to them. Even mine" he asked mine. "I could become emotionless and lose everything if I make the wrong move" he was shocked. "A husk of a human. I refuse to go down that path. So, I won't use that power unless absolutely necessary. Which is why Todoroki I'm going to do something" I turned his soul blue and pulled him to in front of me. "If you chose to not use your flames then I'll use mine. 

Which mind you are ten times stronger than your daddies. Which will probably cause more than just burn you a little. Tell me now. Why you really don't want to use your fire" I set him down and leaned against the wall. "I just don't want to turn into him. I don't want to become his puppet" I started to get the picture. "Let me speak to him" I said fine and looked both ways and let him come out. "Flowey wants to speak to you" I said, and he looked at the flower.

"Listen here you idiot. If you don't stop this behavior, then you'll only going to disgrace your family. Your mother will be just as disappointed in you if you don't wake up. So, snap out of it. This idiot is wrong. You kid are far different. I've been watching you. You're trying to think your hot stuff. But your just caught up in your head. Todoroki if you continue this then you are no more a hero than he is" that made the boy in front of me angry. "Just listen to me. I mean Flow had to come to terms with me being her partner" the next thing surprised him. "I'm a killer and she is using my power for good. You've seen it. She saved you lot during the USJ and now she is trying to do the same. My power is extremely dangerous because she is human" I finished.

"My magic isn't supposed to be able to hurt others" he was surprised. "I'm half monster. Monsters magic can only affect the human soul. But due to me being half human it's how I managed to singe your face. Sorry by the way. You if I was fully monster wouldn't be able to feel it. Instead, you got hurt physically. So, I'm sorry for hurting you" I bowed and was about to walk away. "Don't listen to your father then. Tune him out. Just ignore him. I mean he isn't the light of the party. I actually think he's the opposite, he's actually quite sad. His flames are just pathetic" I then waved behind me. "Oh, actually I wanted to ask. What do you want to be. Say it from your heart" I said, and my match was called but I didn't move. 

"I" he thought. "Want to be a hero" "what type of hero" I asked. "My own" I said then be it and use your power. "I. I will. Thank your Dreemer" I said no prob and walked out.

Needless to say, I wasn't expecting my opponent to be so strong.

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