Chapter 32

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Flow POV

I arrived next to the skeleton surprising him. "What's happened" I asked, and I was out of my hero suit. But then the wind started blowing. "Is that" I was staring at what I thought couldn't happen. "But then again. A theory like this could exist as well" I said.

'We're actually fighting ourselves' Flowey said as I walked into the middle of the town and someone that looked a lot like a lot like me was standing there menacingly. "Oh" dust was in the air which I was tiering up. They had dark yellow hair only it was stained blood red. But the flower eyes were much different than mine. "Hello" the eyes looked like mine in every way but the star in their eyes were white. "So your me from here huh" I noticed she had a knife instead of my Flowey powers. 

"Who are you. The theory of the multiverse is probable, but I didn't expect it too actually be possible. Judging by the LV you're a version of me that instead of choosing Flowey's soul power, chose Aunt Chara's power" my thorns came from my arm. "Sad really. Flowey your better at this" I said, and I didn't even have time to switch as I dodged. 'She cannot hit you' I nodded and dodged faster and shot her with a laser. 

She hit a house, "Sorry for the damage" I said, and they threw the knife, and I dodged but I wasn't expecting her arm to shoot towards me and grab the knife. I used blue magic to hold them in place. "There ain't no way your winning" I stayed silent. "Flowey was right a long time ago and you know it. Who needs friends" I flung them away. I then held up my hand and the entire space around us started showing a white area. I was summoning millions upon millions of pellets. 

"You harmed people. I highly suggest you leave back to your own time" I stated, and she said no. "Ok. I'll take no pleasure in this then. I was told what 20 LV is capable of. So, I can't put you in jail" I sent them at her, and they made contact. They dropped and laid there. 'Seemed too easy' I thought and dodged last second and then I remembered my respawn button. "Guess we'll be here to the end" I said, and they had this twisted smile.

They came at me, and I dodged and hit them with a frying pan to the face. "Oh, so the colors start to play huh" my eyes started glowing. "Come" I summoned a knife myself and then it turned white. We then connected. She shot thorns out because I was close. I jumped away. But I wasn't expecting something. A white beam rained from the sky. 

"Sorry I'm late" I turned, and they looked like if me and Uncle Sans switched styles. But actually, that's just the smile. Her hair was in a ponytail, and it looked like she was covered in colors. They seemed like paint. "Sorry about that" I dodged again and grabbed the knife this time and threw it far away. I turned and noticed their healing was much slower. "I guess you can see that the multiverse theory is real. But sorry about interrupting you" I asked their name. "Oh me. I'm just a splotch of paint really" she then jumped. 

"Hold on I know you. You were the one at the festival right" I asked, and she said yes. But then she from her hand noticed fell into. "I'll just fix this" she said, and it seemed like my soul ability. But a small paintbrush appeared in their hand. First with a wave of it and the other me disappeared.

She then asked who was missing. I looked to my Sans and he came over. "They or the others that I'll bring back won't remember me." Sans mentioned the names and I saw paint fall from the brush and it started forming and stood and it was a goopy substance until a monster appeared.

She then remade the others. Then as soon as she snapped her fingers they came to life. I checked them and one of them was Napstablook. It said the same thing in the box whenever I checked him before. Like exactly. He even had a working brain.

"I uhhh" I looked, and she was gone just like that. I also noticed anything that was destroyed was fixed like nothing ever happened. "Kiddo" I turned to Sans. "I thought you were doing your internship. What you doing here" his memory was actually wiped.

But that was my first experience with alternate me's.

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