Chapter 21

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Flowey POV

"Well shit" I felt like I should go back but felt no threats. "Why hello there" I could tell he was surprised. "At least the camera is broken" I said as we stared at each other. "So are you the puppet master" "actually that one just fell asleep" I said and was getting nervous. The one in the coat was about to open the door when I shot a bullet breaking the door handle. "I guess instinct" I said, and I knew I was going to be answering the questions from now on, "so we doing this or are we free to go" I said, and they said to stop. "Ok" they looked at each other.

"So then who are we speaking to" I smiled. "Howdy. I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower" I said winking and sending a star into the air. "I'll be answering for both of us I guess" I did an innocent smile. "I'll try and behave heheh" I stated as they regained their nerves.

"Well uhhh first is what are you" "I could ask the same to you" that made the room silent. "I mean the other one is human but you" I smiled. "Next question" I said fine. "Do you come in peace" "yes" I stated for both of us. "What do you intend" I tilted well my top. "I don't understand" he asked plan. "To assist her in her goal of becoming a hero. Nothing more nothing less" I smiled evilly. "I mean what else am I supposed to do. Call you names" I laughed to myself. "I ultimately can't do much while she's asleep. So I'm really at your mercy. But I guaranty I'm quiet the opposite of a defenseless flower. After all if you hurt me you'll be hurting her" I smirked.

She situated herself to be more comfy. "So next. I want us to get home as fast as possible. I'm bored already" I said plainly. He asked if I was the real reason she can do so much. "Maaaaaaaaaaaybe. Mayyybe not. Who knows. She is in control. I mean if I were right now you wouldn't be here" they got ready. "Joking of course. It's only when I'm exposed is when she is truly at risk. Don't tell her I said that. I try to keep the weaknesses to a down low. But if you want me to be honest. Yes. I mainly am" I said out right.

"Ok then. I guess I could ask you what the objective of the villains plan" "I will when I make sure no snitches are here" I moved her right arm up and shot it and opened the door. "Human you leave. Along with the rest of you. Both of us sent a bug in this building. I can see everything. I know the heroes are on the other side of the glass. You know the old saying. Snitches get stiches" I said and waited with an evil smile.

The animal creature gave the alright and they all left. to a far distance to where they couldn't hear. "Can I uhhh know it awkward. But can you close the door. I don't want to break it. I'll get yelled at" he got up and closed the door and gave her arm back. "Thanks" I said.

"You were saying" "they're after Flow. I figured it out awhile ago and didn't want to tell her because she thinks she's hot stuff. When she's a scared kid that is afraid of herself" he asked why they are afraid. "It's because of we can't believe of doing this" I summoned a bomb right above the table. He freaked out making him fall and me to make it disappear. "She doesn't want to summon one in front of others because of the reason you just showed" he saw I grew quiet making him curious. I made a text box appear, 'act like I didn't say anything. The spy is next door' he calmed down and nodded. 'He can't hear or see what is happening in this text box. Make sure you don't say anything. He already knows about me. But just question like everything is normal' I discretely nodded.

"How many people know" "not many. Mainly family and you" I lied which he caught on but didn't say anything. "Alright and what will happen when she wakes up" "well I want to plan on her waking up in bed. That way she thinks she got a great get away plan" I said and he thought it was understandable. "Well then I guess I've asked all the questions I wanted to ask" he said and got up and opened the door. "Ok I got this" I said and we fell out of the chair. I managed to get us on our feet.

I then went back inside and started walking like she was awake. "Impressive" he said and nodded her head. "Took me awhile before I got the body movement. But even longer to use her vocal cords to talk" I said, and he was amazed.

"Very impressive" "when I did talk through her mouth it used to still be with my demonic voice. Now it's better" I replied. I was mimicking her voice perfectly. But he walked us home. Like all the way. "Remember Principal Nezu they are after Flow" I then turned her eyes pitch black and stared at him. "If they hurt her then you'll have me to deal with and I'm not fond of showing mercy" a shiver ran through his being. "Good night see you later" I opened the door. "Have a nice night. Remember not to trust that boy" I said and closed the door and met with the parents. "It was her idea. Not mine. Talk to her when she wakes up. Night goat man" I half-hazardly walked us up the steps.

We then went to bed.

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