Chapter 42

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Flow POV

"So, what are you guys doing in the mountain" the question finally dropped. 

"Well, this was my idea. I didn't know I would be gaining LV or anything. I just wanted answers because everyone when I asked where the monsters were before refused to answer. Whenever I brought up the topic silence followed. The souls explained what they went through before the underground but never explained the underground. So, I was left to my curiosity, and I dragged everyone here. Luckily Paul came up with the idea of asking Sans. 

So I wanted to explore the underground. I wanted answers my parents weren't giving me. Or even Flowey" that name made the two people shoot up from the table. "Yes, he's in here to" Flowey shakingly came out. "No attack. He's changed. Besides otherwise I wouldn't have been able to use your green magic" Olivia admitted defeat. 

"Well if the ones inside you are fine with him then we'll calm down" I thanked them. "Well as us being the second and third souls to fall. Have any questions" I thought but all I asked was. 

"What uhhh. I don't know if I should. But I guess I should ask; I know the underground had to be filled more. But was everyone happy. Like they were in town" I said, and they said yes actually. "The only monster I never really saw happy was you" they both said to Sans. "Reasons. Thats why I wasn't happy" is all he said. I knew them but didn't want to say. 

"Well, we're sorry making turning your visit turn into an investigation" she said and guided us through the rest of the way, and I looked up the hole. I shot my arm up, "Thank you. Now I have to get back home before my parents kill, me. More like they already will" I said, and Chara asked something crazy. 

"We both use magic. So why not merge us and attempt to get rid of the LV" I was thinking and refused because I did it and I have to accept the consequences. They said and I pulled myself up and when I got up rooted my feet in place and turned my arms into actual vines. I then held them down and Sans the used a shortcut to join me.

I allowed everyone to climb up my arm. "You three coming" I asked, and they said no. "You sure" they nodded, and Jessica said goodbye by us switching.

So then we started our way home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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