Chapter 7

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Flow POV

While my dad was punishing my mom I showed Midoriya around our unnecessary large house. Like seriously eight floors. We walked into an elevator which surprised the boy. "Coming" he entered and the door closed.

"Welcome to the Dreemer household" I said to shut up as my face lit in embarrassment. "They said it was given to us by my mother's great great grandfather. So yeah. First floor please" it started moving and he was still impressed. "Hold on is that a All Might key chain" now he turned red. "Chill. I uhhhhhh you'll see I guess" we arrived and on the first floor was an arcade.

We exited and walked around well me backwards. "So many" "haven't counted. But if I had to guess somewhere in the five thousand. It's for if Uncle Sans and Aunt Chara ever come to visit. But I doubt it. But me and Mina are constantly down herrrrrrrrrrre. MINA" the pink girl that was playing street fighter jumped high into the air.

"Heyyyyyyy Flow. Heheheh" she did a nervous laugh. "When did" "don't do that you game drama girl" she admitted defeat but then noticed Midoriya. "Oh and who's" "he's a friend. Also no we just met like yesterday. I'm showing him around. Would you like to tag along" she said hell yeah. "Do you mind Midoriya" he said it's fine. "Awesome let's go. TO THE ELEVATOR" me and Mina hurried while Midoriya just laughed at the two of us.

But we went to the second floor, "this floor is mainly for guests. But that doesn't stop them from exploring the other floors. But the house is kept locked with a key. Sure Mina has one. But she just drops by. Doesn't even knock. Rude really. But this floor is just like guest living" I pushed the third floor button.

When the door opened a water park was seen leaving a baffled Midoriya. "This is mainly used during summer. Though dad doesn't use it because he says his fur will get wet. But mom is always here" I pushed the next button and it showed a bowling area. Then the next was a theater, then a go cart track. But when we finished the seventh which was a golf course.

"So where are you then usually" I lit up and Mina just laughed as the final floor was the roof. You could see a ton of flowers covering every part of the roof. Then a green house. "Uhhh here" I walked out and picked up a flowerpot. "Naturally I love tending to plants" "more like addicted" "says the girl that has an addiction to Pac-Man when I showed it to her" her face turned red.

"Everyone has a hobby" said the boy. "What's yours Midoriya" he took a notebook out of his bag. Actually three of them. "Note taking" he gave each of us one.

I looked through the pad and it was page upon pages of information on heroes. What there intended weaknesses and strengths are. Heck even what quirk could go against them easily. For example against endeavor you just need a strong enough water quirk and fast enough to get out of his flames. "Not bad kid" he got embarrassed. "All this pink girl is good at is dancing. Well outside video games" I smiled.

"Hey that's not true" I raised my eyebrow. "I don't remember what it's called. Oh yeah knitting" I then asked for a scarf next week. "I can do that" I didn't expect that answer. "Oh uhh ok" I said.

But she stared at me, "I think a hat would look better" I said whatever. "Really confident. I might make something that doesn't match in the slightest" I said my mom being upset would be on her. "Well if you want it to look bad when I go out in public go ahead" I said now knowing it isn't indoor clothing. "Uhhh" "you said you were good at it" but her face after I added if she couldn't she would only be praised for being good at dancing. "You're on flower girl" I got annoyed. She then ran off to who knows where.

"Arg now we have to wait for the elevator to actually come back to the roof" I said then I saw Midoriya looking around. He then approached the greenhouse. "Vegetables are one thing I'm not good at. Not a patient person" I said as he entered the green house. I walked over not long after.

He was holding an orange. "Huh a survivor eah. That's rare" I then heard a stomach. "Go ahead" he said maybe later. But he did look around and noticed everything died. "They just don't stay alive. I treat it and everything like you're supposed to. But they won't stay alive. It's hard" I then just put on my uncle Sans smile and started again. "Ready to continue" he was shocked by the sudden change.

"Uhh sure" we went to call the elevator. We went back to the house part of the building and my mom was pouting on the couch. "So you wanted to ask" he said he didn't know how to word it. "Well that's no good. Lets see. How about. Hey mom you see Midoriya here is quirkless and we've never in history of heroic work ever seen you use one. So I'm guessing do you think it would be possible for him being a hero" I said and she blinked multiple times.

"Well it's been awhile since I met anyone without a quirk. My husband would probably say no. But I say go for it. You'll never know unless you try. I to be honest think anyone could become a hero" I saw the thinking wheel. "Tell you what Midoriya if you want to be a hero. To one boy all you have to do is get into the hero course. Of course not by begging. But you see this boy had a very low self-esteem. He had a quirk that labeled him a monster. So he abandoned the path of a hero. So Izuku Midoriya be a hero. Don't listen to them" the green haired boy smiled. "If anything makes you faulter you'll be there right Flow" they had to bring me into it.

"Fine. Ready to go"

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