No Matter What You're Going Through - Maylor

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A sick baby, just to try something different (slightly). Hope you enjoy! And even though it's not very realistic, I have Brian called Mama.

Also, I know, too much Maylor, right? They're kinda easy to write, being opposites. Requests are appreciated! 


January 1989

Brian was extremely tired this afternoon, and his heart ached for his baby girl, Emily. She wasn't well.

Unfortunately, the almost-two-year-old had a cold. She also happened to have some teeth coming in.

"I know, baby, I'm doing my best." Brian mumbled as he rocked the toddler in his arms.

Roger, like an angel, came inside the house from a day out—he had no idea Emily was unwell—and immediately went into the room, taking her from his boyfriend's arms, hearing her cries.


"Hey, you don't need to be fussy for him, do you? What's the matter?" The younger man cooed.

"She's hot to the touch, and teething, that's the matter." Brian rubbed his forehead, which also ached. His head was pounding.

The guitarist was feeling quite irritable himself, since he couldn't do much for Emily and he was doing it alone for most of the day, until now.

Soon, Roger calmed their daughter down, pacing the nursery as he rubbed her head softly. He hummed and muttered a few lyrics to an old song.


"Go have a rest, Brimi—rest your weary head and let your heart decide." Roger sang so as not to interrupt the peace in the room that was previously filled with cries.

Though, the words didn't make complete sense, the curly-haired man went to the other room and lay down for a few minutes, figuring that his boyfriend could handle it.

After another few moments, the blond-haired man wandered into the living room, setting the toddler down on the sofa. 

Emily, not understanding that Brian was as exhausted as she was, climbed onto the taller man and pulled at his curls.


"Emily, I love you, but I need some space, please—I'm really tired." Brian sighed, then Emily backed off and played with a toy cat next to him.

Brian had no idea why his baby insisted on calling him Mama—maybe it was his hair and responsible, loving nature—but it confused the man.

"Dada! Meow!" Emily said to Roger and set the toy cat on his head.

"You are such a silly girl. Do you like kitties?" Roger asked playfully.


"Mhm! Fweddie wuv meow too!" Emily giggled, then realised her uncle wasn't here. She crawled off of the sofa and looked out the window.

"Mama, wan' Fweddie! P'eas!" The toddler pleaded, tapping the glass with her little hands.

"I don't know if he can come over, baby girl. He might not feel well." Brian explained simply, worried Emily could get his friend sick.

The gloom of Freddie being ill hung over the band like a dark cloud, but the lead singer never once complained about it, he only wanted to make music whenever possible.


"Let's ring him, shall we? He might be able to. Come on, Em." Roger decided and picked up his baby, heading over to the telephone. 

After a short phone call, Freddie had said he'd be there soon. Roger put Emily down to play with her toys while he cleaned up a little bit.

"Are you sure I can't help with anything, Rog?" Brian looked almost nervous.

"Yeah, Bri, just rest. You've been dealing with her all morning. You could've phoned me." 

"I just didn't want to interrupt whatever and I didn't know if you'd be busy.." Brian shyly replied, running a lazy hand through his somehow not tangled hair.


Ten minutes later, Freddie arrived. Brian answered the door and let him in,  making a bit of conversation until Emily ran up to the oldest man.

"Hello, my darling! I've brought you a gift, here." Freddie said as he held out a teddy that looked like a lion.

"Ta! I wuv it!" Emily squealed and hugged her new teddy.


"You didn't have to, you know.." Brian started politely.

"But I wanted to. Besides.." The singer bent down to Emily's height, "I might not be around as much, so I want to get to know you." Freddie told the little girl.

 "No, don't say that," The guitar player said to his dear friend. 


Freddie sighed softly and hugged both Roger and Brian as he slowly stood back up.

"Fred.. Please. I can't live without you." Brian whispered, though Roger heard it too.

"You will be okay, dear. But I'm here now, aren't I?" Freddie tried to lighten the mood.

Brian nodded, smiling as his baby girl gave her uncle a hug by his legs.


Whilst Freddie and Emily chatted about kitties and music, Roger took Brian over to the other room and began to make out with him.

The taller man enjoyed it for a minute, but soon pulled away. Too quickly, in the drummer's opinion. 

"What's wrong? You've never left my lips like that before." Roger pointed out worriedly.

Brian stared, his breathing was heavy, his hazel eyes full of alertness.


"Please, talk to me, I'm worried." Roger mumbled, matching his gaze.

"I feel like I can't breathe."

"Listen, you can! Try, please." Roger nearly demanded. 

It was a struggle, but the guitarist managed to take a few deep breaths, though tears threatened to fall.


"I feel alone. I'm so worried about Freddie." Brian tried his hardest to not have a breakdown.

"I'm worried too, but you're never alone." Roger's words soothed, his tone cutting through the panicked breathing. His words covered his own uneven breathing.

"Never alone, babe, I promise. I'm always there for you." The drummer traced a hand against his boyfriend's chest.

"You're right. I'm just wasting time, I suppose. I should really be with Emily—" 

"Sounds like a lot of 'I's. We can go back to Emily and Fred now."


After a minute of getting themselves together, the duo returned to the main room, where their best friend was playing peek-a-boo with their daughter.

"Where did I go? Here I am! Where am I? Right here!" 

Emily clapped her hands and giggled, enjoying the game.

"Do you think you could stay." Roger's question was more like a demand.

"I wish I could, darling, but I have to go. I just wanted to visit possibly one last time."


Word count: 1,022

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