Babysitters - Queen (platonic)

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I'm very bored and perhaps going slightly mad!
Hopefully you guys like this! It was fun to write.

Nineteen seventy-three.

Today, Roger, Freddie, John and Brian were asked to babysit. How they all got asked? Who knows. It was a friend's kids.

None of them had much experience, so they were all baffled at how this happened.

But now, there were two kids in the care of four musicians; a four-year-old named girl Mary and an eighteen-month-old boy named David.

"They should behave as well as toddlers can, and there is a list of their dislikes and likes, etc, etc. Mummy loves you, David and Mary. Be good for your uncles!" The mother said and gave each kid a kiss before leaving.

Mary waved goodbye, but then seemed a bit frightened by the guitarist in front of her. "He's really tall. But he has such pretty hair." She thinks and stares.

"You don't have to be scared of Brian, darling. I know he's tall, but trust me, he's really friendly." Freddie softly tells the little girl.

"Hello! We're gonna have a fun day, right? You'll see." Roger tried to reassure both kids, causing the baby to clap his hands.

Mary simply nods, feeling very shy. She understood that these men were nice, but they looked intimidating to her still.

"You know, I know a beautiful woman named Mary. And she is so sweet, just like I'm sure you are." Freddie said with a charm in his voice, and Mary went over to him and hugged the singer.

"Awww." John and Brian said together.

John meanwhile was holding David, bouncing him gently to keep him entertained and to make him smile, which worked.

"You're such a natural with kids, Deacy. He likes you." Roger pointed out, thinking of what he could do.

"Oh, it's not hard. Babies like almost anyone." John said with a grin.

There was a moment of silence before the raspy voice practically yelled, "Who wants to play some music?!"

Mary and David both flinched, not expecting that volume.

"Roger. You have to not yell in front of kids." Brian scolded lightly, not wanting to frighten Mary any more.

"Oh, sorry. Who wants to play some music? We have drums, guitars, a piano.." The drummer repeated, this time more gently, then listed off instruments.

"I do. Teach us! I wanna hear them all!" Mary said, suddenly more warmed up to the band.

Roger chuckled and the six of them went to the room with all the instruments.


Mary turned out to really like music, especially the drums and guitar.

She couldn't play guitar, but Roger was sitting at the throne with her on his lap so he could show her how to play.

Roger was kicking the bass drum and keeping his foot on the hi-hat, along with hitting the tom-toms, snare and cymbals, but the little girl was copying the hitting patterns.

"Very good! This is how you do a basic 4/4 beat." He instructed, with Mary copying his every move, even kicking her feet in time.

Freddie was showing David how to shake and hit a tambourine, which he seemed very interested in.
It was very loud.

David shook the tambourine for a minute before going over to the drum kit where his sister was, picking up a pair of spare drumsticks and watching.

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