Help! - Paul and Ringo (platonic)

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Even though I'm saying I'm out of ideas, I really am, just making up these on the spot (hence why this chapter is late). I feel like these aren't as well thought out. 

Also, I've watched Get Back and I love it. Heather is so cute. Trying not to copy directly. Hope you enjoy. 



Paul had decided to visit Ringo, not knowing that the drummer was having a little bit of a hard time. 

His seven-year-old adopted daughter, Heather, asked to come with. She liked being with Paul, since her biological father wasn't really there for her. 

"I'm really excited to see Ringo again, Daddy! He's nice." The little girl enthused, tapping her hand rhythmically on the window of the car.

"He is nice! And he loves being around kids." Paul replied with a grin.


"But I'm not a kid, 'cos I'm just a kitten! Like the ones that have just been born! But don't eat me!" Heather giggled.

"I would never, honey. John is silly, isn't he?" The man asks and she nods.

"He's always saying something like that." Paul added as he drove.

Heather rested her hand on her face just like her father, already picking up on his mannerisms. 


"Daddy, may I knock on the door, please?" Heather reaches her hand out, ready to knock.

Paul nods, holding the girl on his left hip—since his left arm was very strong.

A few minutes later, the tired drummer answered the door. But he put a smile on his face when he saw the father-daughter duo, "come in, come in." 

"Hello, Ringo! That rhymes, doesn't it?" The talkative child wondered. 

"Yes, that does rhyme! You're a clever girl." Ringo answered happily.


Zak and Jason were resting at the moment, so Maureen had a little time to rest, herself, being pregnant and all.

"How have you been?" Questioned the bassist as Heather played with his long hair.

"I've been good, y'know." 

"Yeah, Linda just had Mary." Paul spoke softly. 


"That makes you a big sister, Heather, doesn't it?" Ringo kept a bright personality up for her.

"Yes! I'm a big sister now." The child giggled, running off to play with Zak, who just walked in the other room. 

Once the kids left the room, Ringo dropped his smile and changed to a tired and almost sad looking expression. 

"What's wrong, Richie?" The songwriter's eyes were filled with sympathy.


"It's just been hard lately, you know, a two-year-old and a four-year-old at the same time.. And almost a newborn. It's certainly something." The drummer let his feelings out.

"Yeah. I understand that. But you're there for your family, and that's what's important. Kids love you, Ring. Because you take the time to pay attention to them." Paul said carefully.

Paul briefly thought about John's relationship; he wasn't there for his family, but Paul wanted to support his friend's decisions. Though, Paul still visits Cynthia and Julian often.

"You're right, Paul. I appreciate that." Ringo gave a genuine smile now.


"Do you want me to stay for a bit? I'm sure Heather would love it." The bass player offered.

Ringo hummed as he thought, but decided. "That would be nice, thanks." 

Heather ran back in for a moment, giving Ringo a big hug.


Word count:  484

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