Friends Will Be Friends - Roger and John (platonic)

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Thank you for the idea, @86_b4by ! They give this book so much support and keep it active occasionally!



John and Veronica wanted a much needed date night, and knowing Robert was shy around most people, John figured he'd be more comfortable around a familiar friend: Roger.

The 3-year-old was happily playing with his blocks and toy soldiers, unaware of what would happen.

The doorbell rang, and Robert practically ran over. "I'll get it," Veronica said and put her hand against the wood. She looked out the window and opened the door.


"Roger!" Robert cheered.

"Hey! All right?" Roger smiled and he went inside the house. Veronica had already told him the information needed such as they'd be home before bedtime and all that.

"Yes!" The little boy jumped up and down excitedly.

"Ok, Robbie, Mummy and Daddy are going out for a while, so be good for Roger." John explained, giving his son a hug.

"I will, Daddy. Bye-bye!" Robert waved as his parents left.


After a few minutes, Robert and his babysitter were playing some sort of game where Roger was a mighty lion in the jungle and the boy was an explorer.

"Grr!" Roger pretended to awaken from a slumber and roar like a wild animal.

"Eeek!" Robert shrieked and laughed, then he scribbled lines on a paper with a crayon as his notes. "Very grumpy lion!" He said out loud.

Roger pretended to be offended and growled playfully, which only made Robert laugh harder.


Soon enough, the toddler got bored, so did the drummer, so they were doing some colouring and drawing.

"What are you drawing, Robert? I'm drawing a car." The blond haired man asked softly.

"Ooh! Drawing a tiger! And cars, too!" The boy said in reply.

"It looks fantastic!" Roger complimented.

"Ta!" Robert grinned proudly.


They were still drawing pictures when the front door opened.

Robert was so invested in his colouring, he didn't even notice.

Roger had noticed, so he stood up, stretching his arms and then patting John on the back. "He was very well-behaved. Aside from calling me a grumpy lion."

"Is that so?" John smiled.


Robert looked up to see who Roger was talking to, and asked to be lifted up, so Veronica held him in her arms.

"He was a pretend lion!" Robert defended.

"Oh, I see. Did you have a good time, then?" John ruffled Robert's hair.

"Yes, we did!" Robert giggled.

"All right, say goodbye to Roger now, he's got to go home." Veronica said gently.

"Bye, Roger!"

"Goodbye, Robert! I'm glad you had a good time." Roger waved and headed out to his car to drive home.


Later, when tucking Robert into bed, Veronica asked about what the two did while they had been on their date, and the young boy told of their adventurous game, falling asleep just a few minutes later.

He dreamt of the exciting day happening all over again.


word count: 456

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