I Dream Of Christmas - Queen (platonic)

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Just another Christmas chapter, even though it's later than I wanted. Last chapter of this year. It's just for fun. Hope for the new year to be better, if this wasn't good or great.



It was a day or two after Christmas, and today, everyone wanted to do something special.

So Queen and their families had arranged a time to get together at Freddie's house and open presents with each other. Freddie had of course bought everyone gifts. Even the little kids.


 "Come on, let's get our shoes," Roger said as he walked around his house getting keys and sunglasses and a bag. 

"Daddy!" Rory squealed as she saw him near the door.

"Can't forget you, can we? No." Roger smiled and lifted the toddler up.

"I'm ready now, Dad and Mum!" Felix announced and strutted out the door.

Roger chuckled, seeing his boy full of energy just like he was seemed funny. They all went in the car, Dominique talking to the kids in French and English as they drove.


"Dad, I can't find my striped shirt. Have you seen it?" Jimmy May called out as he searched his room and other rooms.

"No, I haven't, sorry." Brian called back.

Louisa was eating an apple, with Brian nearby, but he was wandering around trying to remember everything. Like to bring the gifts. And his coat. And his guitar.

Jimmy walked into the kitchen and glanced to his sister before realising she was wearing it. "Louisa! That's too big on you and I wanted to wear my shirt." 

Brian paused and looked at them both, seeing if this would escalate into a problem. 

To Brian's relief, Louisa apologized and took it off, handing it over as she fixed her own shirt that had been underneath. "Now let's get going," he was carrying everything in his arms.


There were a lot more people in the Deacon household to get ready, but they were very good at it and managed to leave in decent timing.

Even with arguments. Like Michael and Robert's. They were talking about what songs on what albums were better.

"Boys, that's enough." Veronica interfered with Joshua holding one hand and a purse in her other.

"We don't want to be late now, do we?" John's voice was firm but gentle. He was keeping an eye on Laura, who was 9-years-old but helping gather coats. John helped too. Then they left.


Roger and his family were first to arrive, and Freddie instantly lit up with excitement like a little kid as he greeted them. Rory leaned towards him and the singer happily took her.

"I think she has a favourite, and it's clearly you. Probably because you spoil her." Roger teased.

"Oh, who knows. I think she just likes the cats. Don't you, Rory? Do you like all the kitties?" Freddie cooed and glanced down at the two felines at his feet.

"Chat!" Rory shouted in French, smiling. "Mon chat?" She added.

"No, not your cat, Rory. Freddie's cat." Dominique softly spoke in English.

"Let's get inside now, it's dark." Freddie smiled, inviting the family all in.


Not long after, John, Veronica and their children arrived. They went inside and Joshua picked up one of the cats that was laying down and held it weirdly.

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