When We Was Fab - Queen (platonic)

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For my friend @melishathatonepear . Happy birthday, this chapter's for you.  

Also, it's my first time writing Elton John.



Freddie didn't waste his time on inferior things. Why, he was a Queen. He could do many things. But boredom struck him hard. Making one unhappy man. 

Sitting around, doing nothing, being boring—was a big time waster.

So, of course, the first logical thing was to call up his friends. Not for a party, necessarily. But just to hang out, maybe play games.. 

"Sharon, darling. Fancy coming round today?" He rang his fellow singer-piano player.

"I'd love to, Melina.. But I'm not sure.." Elton answered softly.

"Oh, it'll be a gay time. Even with the others around." 

"All right. Can I invite Bernie?" 

"Of course, dear. He's always welcome too."


Not long after the other phone calls, the other members of Queen were there, Roger looking just as bored as Freddie had been. "What are we even doing? Any plans?" 

"No, Rog, not in particular. But we can jam. Once the other two get here." Freddie said, cradling a fluffy cat.

"Other two?" The drummer raised an eyebrow. "Hm.."

"We've arrived!" Elton practically kicked the front door open with Bernie by his side, which was enough of a grand entrance to make the cats hurry away, even the one Freddie was holding jumped out of his arms.

John flinched, moving closer to Freddie. It was an automatic action sometimes.

"Look at that, Elton! You've frightened them," the frontman scolded lightly.

"Sorry 'bout that. Forgot they startled easy." Elton gave a sheepish grin.


"It's fine." He told both the bassist and Elton. "Just try to be aware of them, they don't like getting stepped on."

"Right, let's sit down and have a drink, yeah?" Roger offered, and the others agreed. 

Elton John actually had three, but Freddie had two. They did talk and laugh, though, somewhat about fashion and performances.

Bernie and John Deacon didn't really say much as the others talked, both of them a bit shy. They liked to listen and occasionally said a few things. Or many.

Brian was talking on and on about animals. He clearly had a passion for them. Then he started talking about new songs.


"Speaking of songs, I see there's a gorgeous piano in this room, is it in tune?" Elton joked. 

"Only when your voice is in tune!" Freddie laughed, joining in on the humour.

"Fabulous. I'll play." The younger man insisted, sitting at the said instrument.

"Good thing I brought my guitar. Just my twelve-string." Brian looked interested.

"I've got a tambourine and a pair of maracas. Shall I do it at the same time?" Roger smirked, but held the percussion instruments out to the others.


"I don't mind playing a tambourine." Bernie spoke up, taking it with a grin.

"Always prepared to play, aren't you?" Brian found it funny.

"Well, I've got to be always doing something, or else I get bored." Roger faked a pout.

They all played some Rock 'n' Roll songs, Freddie singing with Elton just as powerfully, and suddenly, he realised, it wasn't so bad anymore. He didn't feel as lonely.


Bernie noticed a cat rubbing itself against his feet, and he looked down with interest. He started stroking the tabby. "Hello. I forget your name again.. Freddie, which one's this?" 

"Oh, don't get him started—you won't be able to stop him," Brian teased. "That's Oscar." 

Freddie had to name all of the felines. "Yes, Oscar has a lovely orange coat. This one's Tiffany, this one's Delilah, over here is Miko.." 

"Good to know." The lyricist found this rather amusing. He'd never seen cats so spoilt.


Roger was tapping a rhythm out on his own leg with his hand, a tune stuck in his head, perhaps. "What now?" 

"Well.. I suppose you all have places to be. But I do appreciate you being around. Thanks for the visit." Freddie sighed gently. 

All five of them headed out, Brian remembering to thank his friend for the invitation to come and for the drink, too. Roger immemdiately copied Brian's words, his head in the clouds a bit.

Fred saw them out, happily. But yet, the singer felt more at ease, knowing that they could always come back. And they often would.


Word count: 670

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