I'm So Tired - McLennon (platonic, sick)

44 2 21

A lot of Beatles ideas, I know lol.



The Beatles had just finished another show, and yeah, they all felt tired — sure. But for Ringo and Paul, the two only wanted to sleep.

Currently, they were all walking up to their hotel rooms, the drummer and bassist dragging their feet. 

John took notice of this first, putting his hand on Paul's back, which almost pushed him over.

"You drunk or something, Paulie? And Rich?" John asked with concern.


"Nah, just.. I'm fine, y'know. Tired, I guess." Paul answered for the two of them.

"We haven't even had dinner yet," George pointed out.

Paul softly groaned at the thought of having to keep himself awake for longer.

"Yeah.. Let's do something that doesn't take long.. Takeaway or something." Ringo agreed.


So Paul, John, Ringo and George all had their food shortly after, Paul's doe eyes drooping heavily as he struggled to fight his instincts.

Ringo wasn't at that level of exhaustion yet, so he did better than his band mate. Only slightly. Nothing, it seems, could keep him up either.

Paul watched the ketchup in the glass bottle slide slowly back down when it was placed upright. It felt like how he did right now.

The oldest debated a nap, but realised he was still having dinner. "No, no, I'm tired of waking up on the floor.." He thought in a funny way and glanced at the carpet, then the sofa.


"You two are really spaced out." John commented and watched as Ringo cleaned up his food and head over to the sofa and coffee table, then reaching for his drumsticks and making a beat on the said table, but it got gradually slower.

"If you guys are really that tired, just sleep for goodness' sake." George tilted his head curiously.

"But we have to clean our teeth and get pyjamas on as well." Paul muttered and cleaned up his own food too.

"We'll help you, then." John insisted, feeling genuinely bad that they looked about ready to collapse with weariness.


"That's really nice of you, Lenny. I appreciate it." The bassist got his pyjamas out and started to get dressed. John undid Paul's tie and helped take off his shoes, while George did the same for Ringo.

"No problem, really." John hummed and went to set up toothbrushes to make it easier.

They all managed to get ready, though unknowingly sick with a cold, Paul frowned as he folded his arms unhappily.

"What's wrong now, princess?" John teased, mocking how he was helping him so much.


"It's nothing. Don't worry." Paul assured his friend, but the older didn't seem fooled by it. 

"All right, if you say so." He shrugged and decided to get ready for bed too, as did George.

"Finally.. It's getting hard to stay up." Paul thought as he waited and leaned against a pillow.


After cleaning their teeth, George and Ringo got in one bed and the songwriting duo in the other. Ringo fell asleep almost immediately, even with the lights still on.

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