Who Wants To Live Forever - Froger (platonic, angst)

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Okay, so, I still have all the "who wants to live forever" kind of angst in me, so I'm writing it all out whenever I get a good idea ;) 

TW: mentions of death, very heavy feelings, 'yelling'. 


October 1991

Roger had a feeling he should visit Freddie, so here he was; in his car on the way there.

He knew Freddie was getting worse and worse, and Roger didn't want to waste time anymore. 

"Please let him be all right," he mumbled as he rolled up to the house. 

Jim was the one to answer the door again, seeing as the singer couldn't walk very well by now. "Hello, Roger. Come on in, how are you?" He tried to politely chat.


"I'm fine, thanks." Roger said with a slightly worried expression painted on his face.

"Can I get you anything to drink, then?" 

"No, I just wanna see him. I don't want to miss my moments." 

Some contemplation had been lingering in the drummer's mind, but mostly, he felt angry. 


Jim let Roger upstairs, making sure he didn't have a cold or the flu first, and luckily the blond-going-grey haired man didn't.

Of course, Freddie's immune system was very weak, and he could get ill or hurt easily.

"Roger, please, come in." The said voice called out when he heard footsteps and glanced out the door.

It broke Roger's heart to see his full of life friend confined to a bed and looking so pale.


Outside, it was bleak. It seemed to suit the atmosphere, both of the singers thought.

"I, um, don't know what you want me to do, Fred." Roger played with his hands. 

He was never good at standing or sitting still. For long periods of time, at least.


"We can just talk. Or listen to music, whatever you'd like, my dear."

There was a crisp, harsh silence that Roger decided to cut, since it was too quiet for the rockstar.

"I don't want things to change.. Ever. Please, you can't help it. It's not fair."


Now that the drummer was alone with him, he let his real emotions come through. He was already on the verge of tears.

"Remember that one song you wrote? 'Those days are all gone now, but some things remain..'" Freddie started quietly.

Roger let the tear drops fall like rain as he completed the lyric, "when I look, and I find—no change." 


"And I still love you, Rog. That hasn't changed." 

That made Roger lose it; he couldn't handle this anymore. He burst into sobs, even more tears fogging up his blue eyes. 

Lately, he'd been drinking and banging away on his kit, very fast, almost mad, tempos. "As if that'd ever help," he scowled in his head.

"Do you want a hug, perhaps?" Fred offered with open arms.

The other man hesitated, so worried he'd hurt Fred. During the making of "I'm Going Slightly Mad," Freddie demonstrated that he wanted to be shaken by the shoulders, and Roger looked afraid to do so. 

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