My Body's Aching, But I Can't Sleep - Frian (platonic, angst)

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this is just an idea I came up with at some point when I couldn't sleep. Hope you guys enjoy!
Thought I'd write Freddie and Brian since I haven't done that before.

TW: mentions of depression, sickness, and relationship problems.
Nineteen eighty-four. Los Angeles.

Brian couldn't be at peace tonight, as he lay in his hotel bed, there were a million things running around in his brain. There were a lot of problems going on in his life, and physically and mentally, he ached.

It had been like this for a week now, and it led to a lot of restless moments and even nights, sometimes. He knew he should talk to someone about it, but he just couldn't bring himself to it.

Tonight, though, Brian was hurting with his plethora of bad situations and intrusive thoughts. He already had wrote Hammer To Fall, but these topics lingered. The song wasn't complete yet, anyway.

He sat up in his bed, leaning forward and rubbing his sleep deprived eyes. "Ugh, this is exhausting. That's it, I'm ringing someone."

Brian thinks for a moment, temporarily pausing the conflict in his brain. "It's very late, but it's time to get these things out of my mind. How can I go on? It's already been a week."

The guitarist turns on a lamp on the bedside table, sighing as he picks up the phone and dials in a number.

"Hello? Who is this at this time of night?" A gentle, yet tired voice answered the call.

"Um, Hello. Sorry to bother you, Fred.. I was wondering if you could visit me?"

There was a moment of silence, which worried the slightly younger man. "Am I mad for asking that?" He wonders.

"Of course, what's the matter, darling?" His tone was even softer.

The other man's voice was almost cracking, "I-I'd rather talk in person."

"I completely understand. I'll be over soon."

Brian sniffles and gets out of bed so he can make it, deciding to go into the other section of the hotel room. Each of the band members were staying in a hotel near the Record Plant, except Freddie, who had a house nearby.

Shortly after, a knock came on the door and Brian let his dear friend in.

Freddie took the time to notice the distraught and clearly uneasy look on the guitar player's face, sitting down next to him on a sofa.

"Tell me what's the matter, so I can help you, dear."

Brian starts off not with words, but a hug instead. It was a tight and almost desperate embrace, and he even let out a shaky breath that was nearly a sob.

Freddie was quick to return the hug, letting his friend hold on for as long as he needed. As the taller man started to cry, a hushed tone encouraged, "take your time, it's all right."

Brian pulls away from their long embrace, finally ready to speak without crying or sobbing.

"Well, I just haven't been able to be happy lately. I can't sleep tonight, and it's been like this for a week or so."

Freddie nods, just listening since he knew that Brian was going to talk more. He was a very good listener.

"And, um, my dad is sick. He's not doing great, so I've been feeling pretty depressed, to be honest. I don't think Chrissy has been happy with me. My kids always say how they miss me." Brian took a deep breath.

"Fighting in the studio doesn't help much, either". Brian adds in his head, frowning a little.

The singer's face turned to one of compassion and empathy, and he pats the other musician on the back. "I'm sorry that you've been going through this. I wish you would have told me before. Are you okay?"

"No, I don't think I am, really. It's been rough."

"Well, I'm always here for you. I'm here to listen or to talk."

Brian gives Fred another hug, needing it still. He didn't really know why he needed this affection, but luckily, Freddie was generous and caring. "Maybe because Chrissy and I have been fighting."

"Do you want to see a song I've been working on?" Brian offers after a minute, smiling a tiny bit.

"Of course I do, Bri! I'm sure it's going to be great."

The guitarist gets up from the couch and picks up a paper that has some lyrics scribbled down. Almost none of them were crossed out.

Freddie grins as he reads the lyrics, already knowing the song would be powerful. And he didn't have to add anything to it. The man with a moustache did not like writing lyrics.

"I'm still working on it, but I think it has potential. It's very rock and guitar driven." He lets out a chuckle.

"Ooh. Always up for that. When you're ready, we can add everything to it. Does it have a melody yet?" Freddie asks with a smile.

Brian nods again, starting to sing a little bit from his newest song, though he was slightly unsure.

"Here we stand, or here we fall.
History won't care at all.
Make the bed
Light the lights
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight."

"That's pretty much the main melody, the chorus is a little different. And it's a different chorus each time."

"I love it, dear. I'm excited to sing it." Freddie replies, making Brian feel much better.

"Writing my feelings into songs always helps, I guess. Funny how that is."

Brian said goodbye to Freddie and wished him well, finally getting back to bed and falling asleep this time. He would have a lot to work on tomorrow.

The next day, Queen were recording the eighth track for the album, The Works. They managed to do it fairly quickly, and now it was just working on the ending -- live.

John did some final notes on his bass guitar before stopping, hearing the other instruments stop.

Roger did a final drum fill, waiting.

"Give it to me one more time!" Freddie shouts, thinking he got the last part.

Roger hits the cymbals and mutes them, grinning.

Brian smiles and pauses for a few seconds, then hits one last power chord, truly finishing the song.
Word count: 1,000

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