Only The Lonely - Freddie Mercury/Elton John (platonic) // part 1

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thanks so much to @breeoc97 for helping me write this chapter! Bree did a great job (especially for hardly knowing the people we wrote about!) 



Freddie was on the telephone, with nothing better to do but have with a fight with loneliness.

"Come over, will you?"

"I'd like to, Fred, but I have Louisa and Jimmy with me."

"Bring them too, then. I'm sure they'd like to spend time with their favourite uncle." 

Brian laughed and said he'd come over.

Next, Freddie rang up Elton. Who didn't have anything  to do either, so he would be 'round too.

And he felt the loneliness slowly fade away. 

"I am so glad to see you, darling." Freddie gave the other singer a hug.

"Oh, of course. Me too." Elton nodded.

They went inside and sat down, already beginning to chat. They talked about anything.

Delilah hopped onto Freddie's lap and Tiffany rubbed her head against Elton.

"These cats.." Elton chuckled.

"They just want to be loved," Freddie said, half with vulnerability.

Elton happily pets the cats while they purr at him. Freddie giggles at the cats enjoying the attention.


There's a knock at the door, and Freddie gets up to answer it. He's greeted by Brian and his kids.

"Uncle Freddie!!" Jimmy and Louisa cheer.

"And  Uncle Elton!" Jimmy adds, running over and giving Elton a big hug. It scared the cats away when he ran.

"Hello to you, too!" Freddie laughs. "How are you, Brian, dear?"

"I'm stressed, but otherwise doing all right." Brian says with a small grin.

"Well, we are all stressed out here! We'll survive." Freddie says playfully to Brian.

"Hi, kids! Hello!" Elton says with a cheeky grin.

"You scared the kitties!" Louisa says with a frown to Jimmy.

"It's okay! They will come back." Freddie says with a smile.

Louisa nods and watches quietly, hoping that a cat would return. She knew that cats get startled by noise.

Brian and Freddie talk a bit, the guitarist asking if he minded having the kids over while he went to do something else.

"I don't mind at all! They're always welcome. You can go and do whatever you need, dear. We can watch them." Freddie answers.

Brian bends down to Louisa's height and gives her a hug. "I have to go somewhere now, are you and Jimmy okay with Uncle Freddie and Elton?"

"Yes, Daddy! Of course!" Louisa says with a giggle.

"Yeah, we're good!" Jimmy agrees as Delilah struts back into the room. He's careful not to scare her off again.

"Have fun!" Brian says as he leaves the house.

"I wanna pway with cars! Vroom!" Louisa says as she giggles.

"Did you bring cars?" Elton asks curiously.

"Yeah! In my pockets!" Louisa replies. She takes a plastic car and starts driving it around.

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