Three Of Us - Queen + Adam Lambert (platonic, sick)

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Just three friends hanging out! Hope you enjoy.

 I have a weird obsession with writing sick characters XD



"I forgot how cold it is here, L.A is so warm!" Adam laughed as he shivered from the cold London air. 

"You get used to it." Roger said with a smile, the trio getting inside the car.

Brian hummed and glanced out the window from the driver's seat, "I hope we don't get caught in a rainstorm. See how cloudy it is?" He asked as he started up the car.

"Oh, yeah. But it would be interesting to see." Adam commented, getting a strange look from the drummer. 

"What? You know, it doesn't rain in California! Not much, anyway." The singer replied with sass.


"Rain is an interesting thing to watch, Adam! I agree." Brian chimed in.

Adam rubbed his hands against his thighs, trying to keep warm. 

"Do you need another jumper, um, sweater?" The oldest wondered, correcting himself to try and not confuse the youngest man.

"Yeah, I've got one in my bag somewhere." Adam reached into a bag he'd been carrying around since they got off the aeroplane.


Of course, it wasn't just a plain jumper. Almost nothing Adam wore was plain or ordinary.

"If you're more comfortable using British words, you don't have to use American ones, by the way. I'll understand." By now, Adam was more familiar with the rockstars, including the odd sounding words and phrases they used.

"That's nice of you, mate. But we don't want to make you uncomfortable." Roger softly answered. 

"I'm not uncomfortable by it, don't worry." 


When they arrived at the hotel where Adam's luggage was, it was pouring rain. It would soak the musicians and singer if they stepped outside. 

"Maybe we should go to my house," Brian suggested. "That way, we'll go in the garage." 

Surrey wasn't terribly far from where they were, and Brian was going home anyway.

"That's a good plan, thanks." Adam told the driver with a smile.


Finally, they got to Brian's house, and it was still raining lots. But Adam, Roger and Brian were dry when they all stepped out thanks to being in the garage.

"I guess we'll hang out here, huh, Bri?" Roger asked playfully. 

"Unless you'd rather be soaked. Come on, it should be warmer inside." Brian replied gently. 

When the three men stepped inside, Anita came over and gave Brian a kiss. 


"Hello, darling. I've got Rog and Adam over today. Do you mind it?" The husband queried. 

"No, of course I don't mind! Hello, guys." Anita greeted the other two.

Adam gave a big smile and waved, Roger doing the same. 

"It's nice to see you, Anita." The frontman politely spoke. 


"It's nice to see you too, Adam! Brian always talks about how wonderful you are." That made the lead singer blush slightly.

The four people sat down on a sofa, Adam being careful with his heels not to hit anything. 

If the frontman for Queen wasn't tall enough, he wasn't shy to be extravagant and wear high-heel shoes.


"Would you like any tea or drinks?" The woman leaned against her husband gently, though the man was in quite good shape.

"No thank you," Roger and Adam said at different times.

The group all talked, about several things—from the weather to music, etcetera.


After an hour, they all had wandered around the big house, Roger knowing it better than the youngest man. 

Speaking of, the performer was on another sofa, sleeping like a princess. Except for a few sniffles here and there.

Brian happened to walk by and sat down next to his young friend, silently assessing the situation. "Poor boy, he really isn't used to the weather?" He wondered.

The guitarist put a blanket over Adam, deciding he'd check on him later. He didn't want to disturb the singer's rest.


Twenty minutes later, the glamourous performer awoke from his slumber, feeling somehow worse than when he was earlier. 

Immediately, he looked around for anyone. Once Adam sat up, his head pounded. "Guys?" 

Roger walked over, Brian following closely behind his brother from another mother.

"Hello, Adam. Are you feeling all right?" The percussionist asked with concern.


"Yeah, I just felt tired out from the plane ride here. But now, my head aches and I feel dizzy?" Adam tried his best to describe how he felt.

"You stay sitting down, I'll get you water and painkillers," Brian told Adam.

"I'll stay with you, it doesn't look like you want to be left alone?" Roger quietly and empathetically spoke, receiving a nod. Although it was hard for the drummer to sit still, he wanted to help.

Adam sighed, sitting a little bit away from his older friend, "I just don't wanna get you sick." 


Roger shook his head in disagreement, looking a bit sad. "You don't have to worry about that, we're not in a pandemic or anything." 

Adam did something on impulse, which was lean on Roger, giving him a hug.

Roger hugged back, knowing how it felt to be worried. 

"Here, Adam," Brian said as he walked into the room, holding out the medicine and water.


"Thanks, Bri." The singer gave an apologetic look, taking the painkillers.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" The oldest matched Adam's facial expression.

"No thanks, I'm sure I'll be fine." Adam looked down at his feet.

Brian sat next to Adam as well, giving him any reassuring words he needed. The 36-year-old fell asleep again, this time on the guitarist.


Word count:  907

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