These Are The Days Of Our Lives - Maylor (platonic)

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Babysitting again, just without John and Freddie. I wanted to do my own take on this oneshot, I've read this basis of this idea somewhere else, can't remember where. Credit to the original (with Adam)

Some friend had asked Brian to watch their little girl, which was unusual considering the musician's normally busy schedule.

But he had agreed, after checking that it wouldn't interfere with his job and such.

Anita was out, doing her own career. Though she would have loved to babysit as well if she wasn't busy.

Not that Brian didn't like kids, he loved them, but it had been a while since he'd taken care of one.

Being a grandad was a bit different, and he hadn't even done that too recently.

"Thanks so much, Brian, it's really a big help. Be good, Ollie." The dad said happily, handing the toddler to the guitarist, along with a bag with baby things in it.

Brian offered a kind and gentle smile, letting out a soft chuckle as Olivia immediately tried to play with his curly mop of hair.

"Hello, Ollie? How are you, hmm?"

The one-year-old stared curiously and babbled, taking a liking to the gentle giant.

"I have Roger coming over soon, so you'll get to meet him too! Isn't that fun?"

Again, he received nonsense words with some, "yeah yeah yeahs" and "Rah Rahs" said.

"Let's go play with some toys while we wait." Brian said and set the little girl on a rug in the living room.

Olivia started pulling out a few toys from the bag, finding a toy that had bright colours on it and chewed on that.

Brian supervised, getting on the floor to play with her as well.

"You're a little cutie pie, aren't you? Wanna read a book?" The man asked, knowing he had some children's books for when his grandkids come over.

And also, some of his children's books from when Jimmy, Louisa and Emily were toddlers. This man kept everything.

Olivia clapped her hands excitedly, knowing what reading was. She was a clever little baby.

Brian got up and took a kid's book from the bookshelf, then sat down on the couch and started to read to her.

After having three kids, Brian knew very well that with toddlers, you have to give them all of your attention, no matter what.

During the story, there was a car that had rolled up, and Olivia immediately went to a window and put her hands against the glass, looking eager.

"Ah, that must be Rog. Let's go greet him, yeah?" The tall man picked up the very small in comparison child, heading over to the door, opening it.

"Hello, Bri -- wait, who's this? You didn't have another kid, did you?"

"Well, I could ask you the same, Mr. I-have-five-kids." Brian quipped.

Roger playfully pouted and then figured out that it obviously wasn't Brian's child. He blushed in embarrassment.

"A friend asked me, and I happened to be free today, so I said yes."

"Oh, that makes more sense." Roger laughed, but then Olivia took the man's sunglasses.

"Excuse me, little lady, but I need those to see!" He used a tone with baby talk.

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