Baby, It's You - Queen (platonic)

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Thanks to @86_b4by for another Oneshot! In this, Brian brings his daughter to work.



Brian was going to work in the studio, but as his wife was busy taking his son, Jimmy, to a doctor's appointment, there was no-one to look after his 1-year-old, Louisa. 

"We are going to see Daddy's band mates -- John, Rog, and Freddie. They're like brothers to me. How's that sound?" 

"Yay!" Louisa said and clapped, from her carseat. 

"You'll like them, I'm sure. And they'll like you." 


Finally, the two arrived at the studio. The guitarist got the toddler out of her seat and carried her on his hip as they walked inside.

"Ready to record, Brian-?" Freddie asked, trailing off as he noticed the girl in the adorable pink dress. "Hello! Who are you, baby?" He talked to Louisa.

"She's so cute!" John said with a happy voice, walking over.

"This is my daughter, Louisa. Chrissy and Jimmy are out, and I didn't want to leave her with just anyone." 


Roger finished recording his drum track and went to see what all the commotion was about.

"Hello, Louisa! I love your curly, blonde hair." Freddie smiled.

"You won't be any trouble, will you, cutie pie? No, you won't!" Roger was the one cooing over her most.

"How old is she? She's tall, like you." John said softly, as Brian set her on the soft, carpeted floor.


"Only fourteen months! But she does a lot." Brian answered with a nod.

Louisa crawled over to what caught her attention most; the grand piano. It was a beautiful shiny black colour, and five times bigger than her.

Freddie observed while John and Brian were chatting, and he sat down on the piano bench. 

"me, 'ano." She declared, standing up with one hand on Freddie's arm and the other hitting the keys.


"Lovely! You're so good." Freddie praised.

Brian looked at the instruments when he heard several keys clanking at one time, and he laughed slightly. "Oh, she's found the piano. She loves playing it at home." 

"Really? My kids aren't that interested in keyboard or pianos," John hummed.

After a bit of playing on that, she sat on a sofa in the mixing booth with the sound engineer and played with maracas quietly, mostly watching the four men record music.


"Let's try that again, that drum solo." Freddie instructed Roger, whilst Brian and John were disagreeing on whether the song should have a guitar solo. 

"It's my song. It doesn't need anymore guitar on it, I've done the electric rhythm." John kept his voice down, but was annoyed. 

"I think it would sound more finished with a solo, and you've barely given any room for guitar. Some of the songs on this album don't have any. Please." Brian was quiet too.

After some passive-aggressive discussion, John agreed to let Brian have his solo. 'And you always get your way,' he thought of the lyrics.


Louisa got bored soon, managing to crawl out of the room and into the drum and percussion area. Roger noticed the little girl and placed her on his lap, handing her a drumstick before grabbing another stick.

 "Look, you hit them like this, and you hear the drums with these," he adjusted the headphones and put them over her ears, hitting the snare with one hand and the hi-hat with his other.

"Oooh." Louisa said in amazement, copying the way he hit the snare. 

"You got it! You're a natural." The musician grinned.


Brian stopped talking when he saw his daughter wasn't where she had previously been, but relaxed when he found her with the blue-eyed drummer.

"Hey, look at Louisa. I swear, she'll learn to play any instrument." Brian tapped Freddie and John on their shoulders.

"Awww, so sweet." Freddie agreed, and John chuckled and took a picture with his Polaroid camera.


A few hours passed, and Brian said he had to be getting home, in time for dinner. Everyone said goodbye, and the guitarist and child went back to the car.

"Did you have fun meeting the rest of Queen?" He wondered.

"Yeah! Wuv it!" She cheered. 

"We'll have to see them again sometime soon." Brian chuckled.


Word count: 660 

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