A Day in Japan - Deacury (platonic)

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Requested by apairofmaracas39 ! Thank you for the idea! I hope you like it, I didn't know what you wanted them to do

John and Freddie were both visiting Japan in nineteen seventy-seven, one of their favourite countries. They hoped no one would bother them, but being rockstars, Freddie could deal with it if anyone bothered them.

Freddie always looked out for John, since the bassist was the youngest and also pretty shy. Freddie was shy too, so he knew what it's like.

Roger and Brian were busy in England, working on some songs.

The other members wanted to have a chance to really enjoy the culture more, something they didn't do much on tour.

"Where should we go, Fred?" John asks softly, looking out the window of their hotel room.

"I would like to see a show. But we do have time to do whatever you'd like, dear. We don't have to see a show." The pianist replies, speaking in a similar tone of voice.

"I don't really know.. There's so much here." John hesitantly adds. He wasn't used to a holiday like this.

Freddie gently played with some loose threads on a pillow, nodding as he listened.

"It's all right, though. We can simply go to a shop or something like that." The older man suggests.

John shrugs, his expression neutral while he thinks about what to do.

"It's only for one day. So we should do just a few things, probably." John finally speaks up, much more comfortable around his band mate than around strangers.

"You make a good point. How about a park and dinner? Always good food here." Freddie offers, getting a nod in reply.

"But nowhere with too many people or too fancy dress, right?" The bass player asks a bit nervously.

"Of course, Deacy. Nothing like that."

That made John smile. Freddie was always so open-minded to his gentle suggestions.

"Maybe an art show as well, Fred? I don't mind."

"Sounds lovely. We'd better get going, then. Let's find a place."

It was a bit of a fancy restaurant, though it didn't look overly classy or anything. They seemed to have a good selection of food options.

The musicians got a reservation, though they hoped no-one would assume they were dating, and now the men were walking through a beautiful park.

"I bet Bri would love to photograph all of these trees and such," Freddie mentions and ponders for a second, before picking up his Polaroid camera that he was carrying. "I'll take a few pictures for him."

"That's a great idea, Fred. I think I'll take a few photos as well." The other musician says and reaches into his own bag as he successfully grabs a camera.

Freddie didn't usually keep Polaroid pictures, but he knew his guitarist friend would enjoy them at home.

John takes a few more pictures and one picture of Freddie being silly in front of a bridge he was trying to photograph. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"It's so peaceful here. Really beautiful." John says with a gentle sigh, his camera safely put away.

"I agree. Ooh, look! There's some koi fish. I would love to have a pond of them some day." Freddie says and points at the fishes excitedly, like a child.

John chuckles at Freddie's happiness, nodding to show he was listening. 'He gets so distracted and excited sometimes. But he means well.' He thought.

"That one is orange, black and white, like Delilah." John mentions with a grin.

"Oooh, yes! Beautiful!" Freddie replies and takes a picture to look at later, but he'd likely give it away to someone at home -- like Roger or Mary.


There was still some time before dinner reservations, so Freddie suggested they see some paintings at an art show like John mentioned earlier, but if John didn't want to go, he'd respect that.

But the bassist was up for it still, so that's what they went and saw. Freddie ended up buying two paintings, both men going back to the hotel to set them down and get dressed for dinner.

"I'm really glad I get to spend this holiday with you, Freddie." John says as he buttons up his shirt.

"I'm happy to spend it with you as well, darling." Freddie was getting a nicer shirt on, too, occasionally admiring the paintings he'd bought.

John hummed in content, deciding to change his shoes to go with his outfit better.

"I have to call my cats, though. Is that all right?" Freddie asks gently, standing up and going over to the telephone.

"Yes, of course. Don't worry."

Freddie smiled with his teeth showing a bit, before dialing the number to his house.

"Hello, Mary. Will you put the cats on the phone?"

"Delilah? Tom, Jerry? Can you hear me?" Freddie asks his felines, smiling again when they meowed in reply.

Mary asked Freddie about how the holiday was going, and he spoke to her for a minute.

"Be good for Mary, guys. She's being nice to you. I'll be home tomorrow." Freddie says with some sass.

Now it was time for dinner. It was just at a small restaurant, not too crowded tonight, which both the pianist and bassist were glad for.

The duo was brought to a traditional low table with some cushions on the floor, which was most of the seating in the establishment.

John figured out how to read some of the menu in Japanese, which impressed Freddie since the singer only knew a few words.

John also helped Freddie with what the menu said, but he couldn't read everything on it.

"Arigato." Freddie says to the waiter who had just brought their food out, and the waiter replied back in English.

"If there is anything else I can get you, please let me know." The waiter smiles politely before walking away.

John and Freddie soon began to eat, finding that the food they got was quite tasty.

"Mmm. This is delicious, I've never actually tried this dish before." Freddie says and John tilts his head sideways like a puppy.

"Really? That's good. I just got something I've had in a different restaurant before." John comments, shifting his legs so they wouldn't fall asleep.

Freddie and John spoke about all sorts of pleasant things about the holiday, along with talking about the food. They were at the restaurant for about an hour, and then they had gone back to the hotel once more and started getting ready for bed.

"What book are you reading, John?" Freddie asks softly, brushing his hair so it wouldn't be a mess before bed.

"Oh, just a book about cars." John says and looks up at his friend.

"I bet Rog would love that. You know him." Freddie jokes playfully, earning a giggle from John.

John soon had put the book down and settled into his bed, and Freddie shortly went into bed as well.

"Good night, Deacy."

"Good night, Fred.. Sleep well."
Word count: 1,142

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