I'm Down - Starrison (platonic, sick)

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I hope you guys don't mind all this Beatles stuff, haha. 



Ringo was not feeling like his happy self today, he was unwell. It worried him slightly because he was sick so much as a child and occasionally as an adult, which caused problems, but this was just a cold. 

He also worried he'd have to be replaced as a drummer. Luckily, they weren't touring at the moment.

But still, he dragged himself out of bed and made himself ring George up. He knew Paul and John would care, but were often busy.


George picked up shortly after, "Hello?" 

"Hey, Georgie." 

The guitarist frowned, though Ringo couldn't see it, "You all right, Richie?"

"Actually, that's what I'm talking about. I don't feel right, and I needed to talk to someone." Ringo frowned, too.


"Ah, well, I can be over soon. Did you try ringing Paul up?" George wondered. 

"No, not yet. I figured he'd be busy." The older man admitted, letting a cough out.

"Oh. I'll see for you, ok? You rest." The youngest Beatle assured him.

"Okay, ta, George. And goodbye." Ringo said politely as they hung up.


George sighed softly as he made a phone call to the bassist, asking if he was busy and would want to visit their friend.

Paul had replied with the answer of being able to come over, but only for a few minutes. He did want to cheer up Ringo.

Both healthy men agreed they'd do their best to help, and shortly came over. 


George knocked on the door, letting him and Paul inside after nobody came to answer it. Maureen was out, running errands. Zak was asleep when she'd left, so she hadn't worried. 

But the 1-year-old woke up early and began to wail. Paul went over to deal with the baby, and George instantly went to Ringo, who was starting to get out of bed. 

"No, it's all right. You should lie down," the guitarist insisted. 

"But the baby's crying," Ringo argued, forgetting that his other band mate was here.


"Don't worry, Paul's got him." George nodded as the loud wailing ceased.

Ringo nodded as well and lay back down. He had a grateful look in his eyes.

"How are you doing?" The youngest Beatle asked softly.

"Not well. Maureen was helping a lot, but then she had to leave for the shops and an appointment." 


George pursed his lips, thinking of the right words. "Well, we're here now. Paul has to leave soon, but I'll stay." 

"Thanks, I could try to take care of my son, though." Ringo felt a sting of independence. 

"If you want, but you don't want him to catch a cold. I'll help." George repeated his reasoning, but still tried to gently advise his friend.

Paul walked in the room, carefully holding Zak on his hip with his other hand against the boy's back. "He wouldn't go back to sleep, sorry." He whispered.


Ringo stretched his arms out to hold his child, "it's fine. He's been doing that lately," he hummed as Paul handed over Zak.

The toddler made cooing noises happily, but stopped when his dad coughed into a tissue. 

"Come here, Zak, wanna make some food for Daddy?" George offered, and the baby nodded, crawling over on the bed after hearing his name, 'food' and 'Daddy.' He understood enough.

"What would you like, Rings? A can of soup? Curry?" 


"Oh, something simple, please. Like a cheese sandwich. I can't eat anything too spicy or like that." The drummer let out a sigh, not wanting to get more sick. 

"I understand." George said and carried the baby with him to the kitchen.

Paul stayed and kept Ringo company, knowing it could be lonely.


"Okay, let's get this started. You stay out of trouble, got it?" George asked in a sweet voice, giving Zak a wooden spoon to play with. 

Zak babbled in agreement and began to bang on the floor and chairs nearby.

Whilst George made the sandwich, he kept an eye on the little boy to make sure he didn't get hurt or anything. 

After a few minutes, he plated the food and made a cup of tea as well, picking up the plate and waiting to figure out how to bring the plate, drink and Zak at the same time.


But to his surprise, Zak stood up and clapped his hands, spoon still in one. "Da da daddy, food!" He exclaimed. 

"It is Daddy's food! Look at you! Can you walk?" The adult wondered as he stood still for a minute.

Zak started to run off as a response, eager to tell his father about the meal.

"I guess you can! Okay, then. Let's give it to him." George said and slowly brought the hot drink and sandwich to the next room.


Paul got up and said goodbye, also surprised by the child running in suddenly.

"Hello, Zak. Where's Georgie, hmm?" Ringo asked and watched as his son pointed out the door.

"Food! 'or oooo!" Zak explained. 

"Food for me? How amazing. Thank you." 

"Sorry, I didn't know he could run." George laughed and put the meal on the side table.


"I didn't know either, I knew he sometimes liked to walk by himself. But usually, he falls down." Ringo told his friend as the bassist left.

Zak banged on the bed with the wooden spoon he'd managed to put in his mouth at one point, though it made everyone laugh more.

"You're silly, Zak. Thank you, Geo." Ringo answered, then glanced up as he reached for the cheese sandwich.

"That's ok, I don't know how you and Maureen take care of him by yourself, though." The guitarist smiled.


"A miracle. But I have plenty of time to be around, so neither of us deal with that much." Ringo joked and nodded.

George picked up the little boy and blew raspberries onto his stomach, earning a fit of giggles. He also carefully held him upside down and lifted him back up with his arms supporting the baby's back and neck fully.

 This plan worked in the way he intended; entertain Zak, so Ringo could eat and drink undisturbed.

"You're a natural, he loves you." Ringo pointed out and took another bite.

"I think that's true." George smiled, and for the time until Maureen got back, he stayed and took care of the older man and toddler.


Word count: 1,014.

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