In The Year Of '39 - Maylor (platonic)

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In celebration of the 39th chapter, I thought I'd attempt to write a oneshot based off of that. 

DISCLAIMER: Obviously, this is not my idea. Credit to Brian May for this amazing song. 




It was a big day for everyone at the space station. They got volunteers to go on an experimental journey, where they'd go off for one year.

The two astronauts were May and Taylor, both young men who were brave enough to accept.

They were warned it might be a rough journey, and the scientists weren't really sure what would happen completely.

But both astronauts insisted that they wanted to continue with the trip. Brian had asked his wife and little kids to be there the day he returned, and she agreed, giving him a kiss before he left.


"I'm curious about it, really.." Brian said softly, strapping into his seat. 

"Yeah, me too. But I've always wanted to go into space." Roger agreed. 

After the folks at mission control checked everything was good to go, they began countdown. 

"10.. 9, 8... 7, 6, 5... 4... 3.... 2.. 1. Launch." 


The rocket took off with a blast, rumbling as it flew up to space.

Brian looked out the window in astonishment, kind of admiring the beauty of the stars and planets they saw.

"It's beautiful," he whispered, in awe.

Roger nodded and looked out as well. "It makes the world seem so small."




Every day her husband was gone, Chrissy and the kids wrote messages on the beach in sand to him, counting down the days until he came home. 


Soon, days and months, and finally a year had passed. And the brave volunteers were ready to return home to their family and friends.

But Roger noticed something odd when he checked the calendar. "Hey, Bri. It's been a year, right?" 

"Yeah, why?" The taller man asked.

"Well, this still says '39. When we left, it was the same year." 


"Oh. That is strange.." Brian hummed.

 A few minutes later, they were back on earth. 

But when the duo got out of the rocket ship, which was met with celebratory cheers, they didn't recognise anybody at the station.

"Congratulations! You made it!" Some people said happily.


Brian looked around for his lovely wife and kids, but instead found people who looked familiar. 

"Granddad! You're home!" A two children said, maybe about 12-years-old and 16-years-old. 

"What?" The man asked, confused. 

"Oh, you really are here, Granddad!" A lady mentioned, with curly hair, 22-years-old.


"Where's my wife Chrissy? And my kids?" 

"Oh, well.. Granny isn't here anymore, and dad is.. There." The youngest grandchild told him.

Brian was shocked to find his son looking much older---, middle-aged, actually. 

Roger gave his friend a pat on the back in sympathy, then gasped as he looked around at the world outside. 

Everything was.. Grey, and dull looking. Nowhere looked the same as it had once been.


"So, hold on. Can someone explain what's happened?" Roger asked a scientist. 

"Yes. Your journey was nearly successful, but you travelled so quickly that it's a hundred years later." 

"This is our new home now..." Brian muttered in disbelief, feeling emotional.


Word count: 477

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