I Want To Break Free - The Beatles (platonic)

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Requested by the lovely @KGL1404 ! Thanks for the idea! Also, I'm constantly putting references to the title throughout the book XD but it's a great song. 



"I'm bored, let's go do something!" George exclaimed from the hotel bed. 

"Like what, Hazza?" Paul asked casually. He was intrigued, though.

George thought for a moment, before answering, "like go to the cinema!"

"That sounds gear." Ringo agreed, looking up from what he was doing, which was tossing a ball up in the air and catching it.


"It's settled, then! Johnny, you coming?" Paul wondered out loud.

John was a little surprised by Paul's casual and nonchalant mood, knowing he could be bossy. 

"Yeah, I'm bored as well." The guitarist nodded.

"We'll have to go undercover, though. The fans notice us anywhere." Ringo pointed out.


"Oh, yeah.. Too bad I don't have a mustache." Paul said as he touched his upper lip, looking around for some items to disguise them all with. 

The bassist picked up a hat, and put on a trenchcoat like he used to when living at home trying to get out.

"I guess I'll wear my glasses." John commented, figuring it would be a good idea.

Ringo and George were stuck on what to wear, the lead guitarist eventually choosing a scarf that he'd put near his mouth, and a winter hat. 


It was the fourteenth of March, but they were usually prepared for disguises in case they ever wanted to go somewhere besides their shows.

"How am I going to not be recognised?" Ringo questioned, thinking all the choices were taken.

John pulled out a fake beard, handing it to the drummer.

"You can be Betty." John simply told his friend.


Ringo nodded in appreciation, trying it on. "I guess this will work."

"Right, now we should be able to go out." Paul said confidently, and the four all went to the car and got in. "To the cinema, please!" He told the driver.

George moved uncomfortably, once again squished between the others. "Why do we always take the same car?" He asked, rather annoyed.

"I dunno. But the better question is, can we make it through the whole movie?" Paul replied with a question.


Getting to there was easy, though the boy selling tickets started to wonder if these men were the beloved celebrities that they looked like.

Paul observed the suspicious look and put on a gruff, old man sort of voice, "hello, four tickets to this film, please."

"Yes, sir." The teenager said, not fooled by Paul's old man voice because he had a baby face.

The four musicians went into the cinema and got their seats, but George asked to get popcorn. 


"Okay, Geo, I'll go with you." Ringo volunteered kindly, hoping they won't be recognised.

As the two of them went to the food stands, unfortunately, a young person heard from the ticket boy that rockstars were here, and quickly noticed by the men's voices who it was.

George's eyes widened when he noticed people were staring at him and Ringo, "Um, Richie? I think some people know who we are." 

Ringo nodded, hurrying to their seats without buying any food. Nobody was screaming yet, so that was good.


Meanwhile, with the popular songwriting duo, they were quietly discussing something over the commercials. A girl a few seats down from them looked over when she heard the two accents and got excited.

"Oh my goodness, Lily, I think John Lennon and Paul McCartney are here!" She squealed to her friend.

The girl next to her gasped loudly and looked as well.

"Oh, no. This isn't good," Paul refrained from using John's name to not give their identities away.


Paul also had forgotten to use a different voice, since his was so easy to notice. He internally cursed at that, and was just about to get up when Ringo and George walked in.

"I think we have to leave." John told the other band members, thinking of how foolish he was to not disguise himself more.

 "You're right." Paul nodded, but John wondered if he could convince people he wasn't John Lennon. Or that Paul wasn't Paul.

He gave it a try anyway, looking over at the girls and speaking with a different tone, "I believe you have the wrong people, ma'am." 


Both ladies looked confused, but unsure. "But, you sound like The Beatles, don't you?" Lily wondered and raised an eyebrow.

"No, we just happen to sound similar. People tell us all the time, isn't that right, James?" John looked over to Paul and silently hoped that nobody knew their actual birth names.

"Yeah, Winston. It's kind of funny how much it happens." Paul said very seriously, also changing his voice a little.

Things seemed to calm back down, Lily resuming the chat with her friend.


George nervously glanced at Paul, whispering, "we have to leave now, before anyone else notices us." 

Paul simply nodded and they all got out of their seats and casually walked out. But much to their dismay, young men and women were already crowding around, some screaming. 

The security were talking loudly over the screaming fans, asking them to be quieter and not crowd so much.

Ringo looked especially nervous, he had no idea how to get out. His first instinct was run, so the others all ran as well.


Even outside, people followed them, and that led to the four musicians running rather far. George fell over his own feet and John helped him up, practically pulling the youngest to keep up.

"John, you're.. Going, too fast." George said, out of breath easily. 

"Sorry, George," John answered and stopped, letting go of the guitarist's arm.

The four of them soon made it into the car and quickly got inside, asking the driver to take them back to the hotel.


"How come we never have a relaxing day out?" Paul frowned, feeling exhausted from the chaos.

Ringo shrugged, staring out the window as they drove past all the fans.

"At least we're safe now.." George spoke quietly.

Eventually, the four young men decided to just watch a movie on the television. It was much easier, though not as fun.


Word count: 964

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