Can I Take My Friend To Bed? - Jim and Freddie (sick)

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Another sick Oneshot! But Freddie's sick and acts childish.


September 7th, 1987

Freddie woke up in the worst possible feeling; he had a cold. Not that being ill stopped him from doing his career.

But he tried to go into the studio, of course, being stubborn. 

Brian, Roger and John were all unusually observant and told him off. Though it wasn't completely necessary for them all to do so.


"Fred, trust me, you'll feel better when you go home and rest." Came the voice of the man who just had his third child in February.

Emily was almost seven months old now, but it felt like yesterday she was born. 

"Yeah, surely you'll make yourself more ill singing and playing." The drummer chimed in.

Freddie didn't want to listen to his band mates, it wasn't like he couldn't walk or was constantly coughing, so he'd be all right, he thought.


"Come on. It's not their business if I'm doing what I'm supposed to," the singer thought as he crossed his arms like a child. "It's not bad, anyways." 

Finally, the reserved bassist spoke up, sure his voice of reason would come through.

"Hey, Freddie. We don't want anything bad to happen to you, yeah? Nothing major will happen with you gone, promise." 

Freddie got his coat back on and met John's almost paternal stare. John was much better at finding the right convincing words, as he had four kids.


"But Jim won't be home until later—" Freddie started to complain, but was cut off.

"I'll visit for sure, OK? As soon as we're done." Brian offered his dad voice, hoping that'd work too.

That, luckily, seemed to work, making both healthy men wonder why their parental tones worked; they never talked like that with Freddie.

Freddie walked out, feeling a little light headed as he got into the taxi. He asked to go back home, staring out the window. 


Phoebe greeted the man, but in return, just got a tired shrug and glance. He decided to make Freddie some tea. 

Once upstairs, Freddie threw off his coat and t-shirt, feeling sweltering hot all of the sudden. It wasn't long before he regretted that, for now, he felt like ice. 

"These obnoxious heat flashes, they're incredibly unpleasant." He muttered in a low voice, flopping onto the bed that was nicely made.


The pianist decided to read some lyrics to whatever song he was working on, but soon lost interest and set the paper back down as he buried his face into the pillow. 

"Ahhh!!" Fred screamed in frustration when he couldn't get comfortable due to his fever. 

"You okay?" Phoebe called out as he came upstairs.

"No, I'm ill and I'm all alone!" Was the overdramatic reply. 


Delilah meowed and rubbed up against her person, trying to cheer him up.

Freddie pouted and sat up with a huff, giving her some stroking. He couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly upset like this.

"Thank you, Lilah. You make me smile when I'm just about to cry." 

"I've got tea for you, here." Phoebe carefully set the cup onto the bedside table,  getting a quiet 'thanks' after.


He left Freddie to rest after that, not knowing how to help the man.

Freddie did his best to drink the tea, though he struggled to keep it down, which led to being sick in the bathroom sink.

He put on a record instead, after he'd washed his hands and mouth, sitting down on the bed.


Half an hour later, Brian finally arrived to the Garden Lodge. It felt like it took forever, in Freddie's mind, especially since he was feeling melodramatic. 

Brian let himself in, walking upstairs to see his friend. He was a little surprised he wasn't asleep by now, but the songwriter knew how stubborn the other could be.

"Brian, dear, welcome. Sorry about earlier." 

"Don't be sorry, Fred. We all get sick from time to time." Brian's expression was gentle and kind.


Freddie reached out his arms for a hug, really wanting one, but Brian hesitated and didn't lean forward. He didn't want to catch this cold.

Unfortunately, this made Freddie's dramatic feelings worse. 

"Do you not care? I just wanted a hug.." He frowned, looking fairly upset. 

"I do care, I just don't want to get a cold. I'm sorry. You know I have Emily, but, I'm still here to talk." 


Freddie nodded slowly, feeling slightly alone again. He knew better, though, "of course Brian could get sick! I'm such a git."

The two songwriters talked casually for another forty-five minutes, and much to the older's dismay, the curly-haired man had to get back.

But lucky for the singer, Jim came home not long afterwards. 


"Sorry, got caught up at work, and— what's wrong, love?" Jim stopped halfway in his sentence, sitting next to his lover. 

"Well, I think I've got a cold. And Brian came over, and I wanted a hug, but he couldn't give me one 'cos he might get it." 

Jim's facial expression immediately softened, feeling sympathetic for Freddie. To make things better, he hugged the man tightly, promising he'd always be there for him.


Freddie accepted the embrace quickly, but curiosity got to his mind, "wait, darling. Won't you get ill?" 

"I don't care if I do. You're more important to me than my job, honey." Jim answered sweetly.

Freddie went back to being held, enjoying the feeling. It made him forget he was still burning up. 


Now that Jim had been home for a while, he noticed how unwell Freddie really was. And he was trying to give him medicine. 

"No, Jim, I'm fine without that rubbish." He argued like a child.

"But Fred, it'll make you feel better. It will." Jim's voice was patient and calm, "please take it."

Freddie shook his head no, really not in the mood for this.


Jim got an idea, suddenly. "I'll give you all the kisses you want if you take it." 

That seemed convincing enough, as Freddie slowly drank the small cup of whatever nasty cold medicine it was.

"Good boy. See, it's not that bad!" The other man said as if he were talking to a dog or baby.

And as promised, Jim leaned forward and gave Freddie several kisses. Long and short ones.


"Can we cuddle now? I don't want to let go." Freddie requested, giving his best pleading eyes.

"Yes, dear. I'm always up for that." 

And Jim stayed by Freddie's side until he fell asleep, and when he had to get up, the awake man put Goliath in the sleeping one's arms to help him stay asleep.


Word count: 1,003

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