If I Knew You Were Coming I'd Have Baked A Cake - Elton John/Queen (platonic)

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This idea got into my head somehow. Hopefully it's entertaining to read. 



Elton John had been invited over to Freddie's house, and he thought it'd just be a casual hang out. With Brian and Roger, he'd been told, would be there too.

So the man drove there, unprepared for what would happen.

"Oh, good! You're here! Now we can start." Freddie ushered his friend inside.

Elton was careful not to step on any of the various cats who insisted on getting near his feet, walking into the kitchen.

"What exactly are we doing, Fred?" He asked with curiosity.

"Baking a cake for Deaky," the frontman answered. "For his birthday tomorrow." 

"But I don't know how to bake, and I doubt you do?" Elton said with a bit of uncertainty.

"No, but we've got Brian and a cookbook here! Brian's good at reading things and following directions." 

"Wow, glad to know I'm so appreciated, Freddie," the guitarist chimed in. He grinned though, giving his band mate a sarcastic look.

"Oh, you know you are. Besides, look at Rog!" 

Roger was bored and busy by looking for the ingredients, muttering to himself about there not being enough ingredients. He wasn't just a dumb blond.

"Roger, stay with us. Elton's here." Brian pointed out, and the drummer turned round and smiled.

"We'll need all the help we can get. I'm not really great at baking either." Roger said cheerfully.

"Right, well, we best get started.." Elton sighed and began baking. 

Freddie and Roger were watching intently, not really that helpful but not annoying either. They did their best and decided to make it a competition. 

"I want Brian on my team," Freddie said strategically.

"But I  wanted him on my team." Roger said, then looked at Elton. "But I guess it's fine." 

"Oh, I'm so pleased to know you love me!" Elton said sarcastically, hearing laughter from Roger.

"We don't have to set a timer. Instead of it being a two layer cake, it'll just be two one-layer cakes." Freddie spoke as if it was the best idea.

The band seemed to agree, Elton finding it funny that they were all so competitive.

So they worked very hard, Brian very patiently working with Freddie, keeping up with his ideas. "No, Freddie.. If we do this, it'll just leave more of a mess.. Try pouring more slowly." 

"Of course, dear." Freddie was observant and quick to correct whatever needed to be done.

Meanwhile, Roger was getting frustrated with unsuccessfully cracking eggs into the bowl. "Not another shell.." He muttered, while his 'teammate' measured dry ingredients.

There was egg yolks splattered over the counter, but finally, the cakes went into the oven and everyone started to clean up. 

But nobody remembered to set a timer, unfortunately. After about thirty minutes, Roger decided to check on the cake and took the one that he and Elton made out, seeing it wasn't raw. 

"I think this is done." The blond mentioned, looking at the man right beside him.

"Yeah, it looks right. Don't wanna burn it." Elton nodded. "Should we tell them about theirs?" 

"Nah. They'll both need time to cool, either way." 

The other musicians were deep in conversation, in the other room with cats, and didn't notice until ten minutes later that there was still cake in the oven.

At that point, they could smell the cake.

"Ahhh!" Brian realised as he jumped up and quickly walked over to the kitchen.

Freddie was with him and frowned. "I think it's burnt." 

"No, it's all right," said Brian optimistically. He took the cake out to let it cool.

A while later, the two teams now were ready to decorate, however realised that they didn't have frosting. 

"We can do icing sugar on top instead. It'll look elegant." Freddie suggested, while Roger wanted to make frosting from scratch.

"Sure. And we can put some fruit on as well." Brian agreed.

Roger and Elton made more of a mess, but they succeeded in making frosting and decorated their cake. Roger even wrote 'Happy Birthday Deaky' on it.

"...Now what?" Elton wondered.

"Now we call him over. But we'll just act like it's a normal day." Roger decided.

So they did just that, and the bass player arrived on time of the time he said he'd be there.

Queen all talked, of course Elton John did too, and after a little bit, Brian revealed that they had baked something for their bassist.

"Oh, thanks. What is it?" 

"Ta-da!" Freddie presented the desserts.

"It's cake!" Elton said with a proud grin.

"This is great, guys. But why do I get two cakes?" John asked with a bit of confusion.


Word count: 737

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