A Night At The Restaurant - Queen (platonic)

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Thank you to @86_b4by for this request! Go and follow them.

This chapter is about Roger hanging out with his fictional daughter named after his sister Claire, and real daughters, Tigerlily and Rory. Also, Freddie is alive and well in this universe.



Today, Roger was spending a day with his girls, Claire, who was 1-year-old, Rory, who was 10-years-old, and Tigerlily, who was 2-years-old. And they currently were getting ready.

"let's get some shoes on, can't go out in just socks." He said, which made Claire giggle.

"Dad, where are we going?" Rory asked as she walked into the room with Tigerlily by her side.

"To a restaurant, where we'll see Uncle John, Uncle Brian, Uncle Freddie, Louisa and Emily." The drummer replied.

Louisa was five years older than her sister and Rory, and Emily was the age as Rory, so they got along well.

Jimmy May was with Roger's sons, Felix and Rufus. They were all hanging out, doing teen boy things.

"Yay! That'll be so much fun." Rory said with excitement.

"Yeah!" Tigerlily cheered as she clapped her hands.


Soon, after a short drive in the car, the Taylor's were at their destination. 

As they got to their table, Roger was surprised to find everyone but Freddie there. 

John, Brian, Louisa, Emily and Luke -- one of John's sons who was 4-years-old.

"Hello, everyone. Hi, Luke! I didn't know you'd be here." Roger commented as Rory sits down to talk with Emily. 


"Daddy said I can come," Luke said with sass, looking exactly like his father. 

"Oh, yes, you're welcome here. I was just surprised." The blond-grey haired man smiled.

John gave a shy grin and whispered to his band mates, "all Luke's been doing for the past five days is being 'just like me', including where I go, and trying to play bass." 

"That's adorable." Brian said fondly, remembering when his kids were that little.


Finally, the lead singer arrived, and took the empty chair by Louisa, as everyone greeted him. 

"Hi, Fred, look what I have!" Luke said with a high amount of energy. 

John explained the copy-cat thing his kid's been doing, and Freddie nodded. 

"I didn't know that included calling you Fred, though." The bassist laughed. 

"Kids will be kids." Freddie answered and smiled.


Now, it was time for everybody to enjoy their dinner.

The toddlers all got pasta, Rory and Emily both got soup and bread, Louisa ordered eggplant parmesan, Brian got a vegetarian salad, John got a sandwich, Roger chose steak, and Freddie ordered fried chicken.


 Roger helped feed Claire some pasta, as she was still learning her coordination. 

But once he turned to comment on something Brian mentioned, the baby took the opportunity to make a mess, getting marinara sauce all over her face. 

"Oh, no, Claire. Let's clean your face and hands up, shall we?" Freddie chimed in, since the drummer and guitarist were still talking.

Roger looked back at his youngest and gasped. 

"Oh, you've dealt with it! Thanks, Freddie.  Sorry, I would've if I'd been paying attention." 

"No problem, I enjoy spending time with the kids anyway." Freddie told him, his smile never faltering even at the fact that he couldn't adopt or have kids of his own.


The group of people all continued talking, then Freddie paid for the whole meal, as he insisted, and Roger lifted up Claire into his arms.

"I guess we should be going home, now, it's growing late." Roger yawned, already exhausted. 

"oh, yes, well... We'll see you guys later." Brian said and smiled politely. 

Tigerlily was in Freddie's arms, actually refusing to let go. She was overtired.

Rory saw the scene and held her arms out for her sister, but to no luck. 


"Tiger, we have to go home, and see mummy." Roger tried to convince his kid.

"No, wanna be wif Uncle Fweddie." Tigerlily argued, looking about to cry.

"How about this, we go home and pack you a bag of your clothes and all that, then if they're okay with it, you can sleepover at Uncle Freddie and Uncle Jim's house." The drummer compromised.


Tigerlily thought it over, and then nodded happily, going to Rory.

"That's fine by me, I'll ring Jim in the car to ask him." The singer replied.

Everyone said their good-byes, going in their own cars and driving home.


Now, at the Taylor household, Roger was playing blocks with Claire. She wasn't tired, so he agreed to stay up. 

Debbie was getting her daughter ready for the sleepover, which the toddler seemed happy about. 

"Lucky you, you get to stay over all night at a different house.. How exciting." The woman said with a small smile.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Claire was babbling and stacking blocks all over the room, making several towers, only to knock them down again. She found it hilarious.

"Lovely tower, Cla-- uh oh!" Roger played along every time it happened, which made her laugh more.


A half hour later, Tigerlily was brought to Garden Lodge, and Jim answered the door and took her in, cooing at how sleepy she was. 

"Come on, let's go see what Freddie's doing." He said softly, smiling.

After wandering around the house, the Irishman found his lover outside by the koi pond, so he went outside with a coat and his wellingtons.  

"See? we have fish here, and they have beautiful patterns on them." Freddie explained to the girl.

"Yes, I like them." The toddler agreed with a yawn.


Now, the men had gotten ready for bed, and gotten Tigerlily ready too. Jim put her in the middle between him and Freddie, so she wouldn't fall.

The toddler closed her eyes slowly, putting a hand on Freddie's arm. She fell asleep within a few minutes.

"I love this, looking after her, especially with you. You'd make a great dad." Freddie whispered.

"I think you would too, if you were willing to." Jim whispered back, knowing his lover liked kids from a distance; not all of the time.

Soon, everyone in the house was fast asleep.


word count: 931

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