Your Kind Of Lover - Jim and Freddie

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Valentine's Day, even though I don't like to celebrate that day. Hope you enjoy ;)

Also, this is kinda naughty. Obviously, I have no idea how this would be; it's fanfiction.

(I've been watching Titanic as well, so that's possibly why my inspiration is here)

Don't take offence at my Innuendos ;)


February 14th, 1986

It was one of Freddie's favourite days, Valentine's Day. A celebration of love for the true romantic. 

Though he couldn't bake, Freddie had bought lots of scarlet roses and placed them all over the house, of course, he'd also bought yellow and white roses for friends.

Jim and the singer had only been seeing each other for about a year or less, but it was enough reason to celebrate.

The mentioned lover was at work currently, giving the romantic time to set up how he wanted things.


But the frontman had things in mind for later, so for now, he continued getting ready. 

He was just dressed in a typical red shirt, with some loose trousers. The outfit would change later on, Freddie was sure of it.

Finally, when he heard the door open, Freddie quickly went over, embracing Jim tightly and lovingly. 

"Hello, dear. That's quite the greeting, isn't it?" Jim tilted his head in curiosity. 


"Yes, darling, but I have plans, you know. And they involve you, I almost couldn't wait!" Freddie laughed.

It was after dinner, so there was still time to celebrate. Freddie immediately led Jim to their bedroom, showing that the bed had red roses around it and petals on the sheets. 


Jim felt himself blush, this man really did love him. Freddie had other gay lovers in the past, but none had lasted as long due to them hating the secrecy of their relationship. 

But Freddie had a feeling that he and Jim would be together forever.

"Come on, sit on the bed, it's all set up." The musician gently encouraged, dimming the lights.

Both men sat on the bed, Freddie being playful and pushing his boyfriend on his back before getting on top of him and giving him a kiss on the lips.


Jim was fast to kiss back, feeling the fiery desire in the action. He was a little surprised, as they hadn't done that last time, since the two hadn't started a relationship until past the holiday.

"Fred, what're you doing? You are so silly." Jim laughed, though Freddie didn't.


"I'm showing my love and dedication, dear! You're the silly one! You are the one for me." Freddie answered with a smile.

Something inside Jim was turned on, possibly by the position they were laying. He decided to try to change positions, managing to flip Freddie on his back now.

Freddie loved this as well, his heartbeat growing faster and faster—Jim being able to hear it.

But the moment was paused when the Irishman said he needed a drink of water, and the frontman pouted like a child playfully.


But, he also took this moment while Jim was gone to get dressed—or rather, undressed. He threw his shirt and trousers into the laundry basket, now just in his underwear.

When Jim came back, he was quite surprised. His face went pink as he sat back down on the bed. He got the impression that Freddie was a master at being attractive.

There was a quiet record playing in the background, too, the hairdresser noticed.

Freddie undid his lover's shirt with steady hands, getting very close to him and kissing Jim's chest down to his torso. It was a bold move, but the man just couldn't  resist; he was hungry for love.


Jim gasped slightly and shivered, he'd never really felt the sensation until now. It felt good.

"What do you want me to do?"  Jim questioned, looking unsure of himself.

"I want your body.. Baby, you're hot." The other man practically whispered.

In reply, Jim leaned forward and kissed passionately, moving so their lower halves were touching. The heat from the friction was real.


Freddie moaned in absolute content, it felt like angels were flying nearby. Heavenly. He never wanted to stop.

Jim shifted, holding Freddie in his arms whilst he kicked off his own trousers. It was a little bit of a struggle, but Jim definitely wanted to treasure every moment of it.

"Ah, ah, honey." Freddie spoke up, a little exhausted. He caught his breath and rolled to the side, off of his lover a bit. 

"Was that too much? Do you not like it?" The Irishman worried, feeling unintelligent.


"No, I loved it, but.. It's just overwhelming, you know?" Freddie shifted once, silently questioning why he'd stopped. He didn't know why. "I just need a minute."

Perhaps he needed a moment to absorb all the sensation, or perhaps, to consider his feelings. Or Jim's. It was kind of a lot to take in.

Jim nodded, playing with his hands and looking down for a little bit. "This is as fast as I've ever gone in a relationship,"  He thought. 

But shortly after, Freddie pushed himself up against Jim, this time taking the lead as their bodies touched. It wasn't cold, despite being February. They had love to keep them warm. At least, it seemed.


Freddie kissed and kissed his boyfriend, trying to match how he felt on the inside. His heart was nearly racing, but then he lost control and shivered. The singer let out a whimper, which was unusual.

Jim sat up, careful as he tried to move away just in case Freddie needed to stop again, but he was brought forward. 

"No, please. I'm cold." Freddie breathed heavily, not thinking of the solution of wearing a blanket. That wasn't hot and attractive.

"Why don't you go under the covers, love?" Jim wondered out loud, not feeling the cold air. He was too excited to feel it.


"Because I don't want to ruin the fun. It feels nice, body-to-body." 

Jim considered the words, hugging his lover boy tightly to his chest. 

"That feels nice. I kinda like it." Freddie said, feeling mad in love.

The rest of the night was filled with romance, heat and happiness.


word count: 979

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