We Are Family - Jim and Freddie

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I haven't updated this book in three months, sorry about that. This is a longer oneshot, in collaboration with @HannahRu06 ! A story about Jim and Freddie being dads to real kids. 

Oh, and though I normally write in third-person, this is the first(ish) in my book with multiple views of characters. 

Patrick is 4-years-old, Catherine is 3-years-old, and Lucy is 2-years-old.



Today, Freddie and Jim were the ultimate parents -- looking after their kids and trying to get things done.

Freddie's POV 

 I was getting our youngest child, Lucy, dressed to go out to a restaurant. Patrick and Catherine were already dressed, and they were playing music. Patrick was very much a drummer, just like Roger. Catherine liked piano.


 "You look so beautiful, Lucy. Your curls are so pretty," I said, to which the toddler cooed in reply. I held the baby and headed to the door, 

"Jim! I can't find Lucy's teddy, and you know she won't go anywhere without it." I called out as I tried to search for the said toy.  


Jim's POV 

As Freddie called out, "I can't find Lucy's teddy, and you know she won't go anywhere without it," I was beginning to get a little panicked as I couldn't find her favorite bear with the Queen sweater on it. 

 I think I'll check her room, she normally leaves it where the cats can get to it, thankfully the bear has survived. I entered her room, and I was greeted by the sight of her bear, peacefully set on her bed.

 I yelled, "Fred... found it. All right, I think we're ready to go, I'll ring Phoebe and tell him that we're ready. Tell Catherine and Patrick to get ready to go out for dinner." 


I could hear his angelic voice telling our two bright children, "Catherine, Patrick, Uncle Phoebe's going to take us to the restaurant now." 

I had picked an Italian restaurant to take us to, a small hole in the wall place that him and the rest of Queen would often go to after large tours. 

He was handsomely dressed in a button-up shirt, and dress slacks, Lucy wearing a bright blue dress, her curls defined.

Catherine wore a pretty white blouse and a blue peasant skirt, with floral detailing, and Patrick was dressed similar to us, with a white dress shirt and grey trousers.


As we piled into the car, I stole a kiss from Freddie when he wasn't looking, "I love you, my dear, my husband, my everything."

 He returned the kiss, "I love you, Jim, you and I have the perfect life with you and our wonderful children."


Catherine's POV 

My Dad (Jim) and Pa (Freddie) were taking us out for dinner, I don't know why, I guess since I have practiced a lot of piano and Patrick practiced his drums a lot.

Uncle Roger plays the drums a lot, I know. I wanted to be like Pa, so I plway piano. I wike "Seven Seas of Rhye". Uncle Phoebe was driving us to a restawaunt, I asked Pa, "What are you going to get at the restaurant, Pa?"

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