Is It Raining In Heaven? - Queen (platonic, angst)

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My take on filming of No-One But You (Only The Good Die Young).
I wanna say, I love the song. It's beautiful & touching.
This chapter will be sad & dramatic, so that's your warning. No idea where these sad ones came from??
October 1997

Brian had written a song a few years ago, and asked Roger if he'd like to record it. Though, Roger hadn't gotten back to him on it until today.

Roger was sitting in his car, wearing his sunglasses as always and had began to drive to the studio.

Brian, meanwhile, was already there and was giving John a ring. He was surprised he'd picked up the phone.

"Hello?" The accent was instantly recognisable, it had a shaky quality as well.

"Hello, John. I was wondering if you'd like to play on this Queen song I've written? Rog's going to be there as well."

There was a moment of silence, as if the younger man was thinking it over.

"I can do that. I'll be there soon, bye." John replied, glancing down at his four-year-old and five-year-old sons, who were playing nicely together.

He hung up, sighing gently. "Playing a song without Freddie.. Don't know if I can do it."  He questioned, getting some dress shoes on. 

"Daddy? Where you going?" Luke asked curiously, and Cameron looked up too.

"I'm going to go play my bass guitar for Uncle Brian and Uncle Roger."

"You don't look happy." Cameron pointed out.

"I'm fine, Cam. It's just a little sad to play my bass guitar."

Luke runs over to a room that held less used things, dragging the four-stringed bass guitar over carefully.

"Thank you, Luke. I was just about to get it." John smiled and held the guitar in one hand, going to the door and opening it with his free hand.

"Bye, I'll be back in a little while. Be good for mummy." John said and walked out, hearing lots of "bye, Daddy!"s as he stepped outside.

He put the keys into the car and also drove, humming quietly as he did so.

The radio being on was all right, until it played a Queen song, and then he switched it off.

At the studio, Roger was setting up the drum kit, making sure it sounded right and everything.

Brian was discussing the set with the director, and he turned around when he heard the door open.

"Glad you could make it, Deacy." Brian spoke softly.

John nodded and kept his gaze at the floor, slowly moving over to set up his bass guitar.

Brian was able to tell that John was having a hard time with this, so he didn't say anything more unless needed.

Fifteen minutes later, they recorded the instruments, Brian focussing on the piano. He didn't know as much, so he always had to look at what he was playing with the keys.

Roger and Brian then recorded vocals and backing vocals, the latter already having vocals done on the original tape.

Then it was time for recording the music video.

That was even harder. Brian looked lost, Roger looked upset as he sang the words when the camera was on him—which you could see even with sunglasses on, and John just looked completely out of it.

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