You've Really Got A Hold On Me - Ineffable Husbands

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This is a different type of oneshot than I've ever written, the characters for example. This is not my idea. I saw some art on Pinterest and was inspired to write this. Also, I know almost nothing about weddings, but this is fictional, so it won't be completely accurate. 

Thank you to @Melishathatonepear for agreeing I should write this. 


Crowley and Aziraphale had been officially going out for a while, and deeply in love, so one day, one of them proposed with an engagement ring and the other accepted. 

Now, after a bit of planning the day, had finally come. 

The Them were all invited, Madame Tracy and Shadwell, Anathema and Newt. It was a small wedding ceremony, since the angel and demon didn't really have families.


"My dear, are you sure that you want to do this? We don't have to have it in a church..." 

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure." Crowley said confidently, getting his tuxedo on. It was a black suit.

He was faking confidence, just a little bit, because he hadn't really practised his plan.

Aziraphale was getting dressed as well, in a white tuxedo. 

He wondered how his fiancé would do stepping foot in the religious building. 


Meanwhile, at Adam's house, him, Wensleydale, Brian and Pepper were getting ready.

 All of them wearing dress slacks and button-down shirts, (Pepper refused to wear a stereotypically 'girly' outfit) Adam and Brian wearing bowties.

"Where are you going all dressed up, honey?" Deirdre wondered softly.

Adam was quick to think up a reason. "nowhere, Mum. We're.. Playing secret service agents."

"Oh, all right then. Just try not to ruin your best clothes." His mother agreed. 

"I promise we won't, Mum." 


"So, why are we coming there? Not our mums or dads, even. But Dog's invited?" Brian questioned. 

" 'Course he is. Dog goes everywhere with me." Adam replied happily.

Dog perked up at hearing his name, wagging his tail.

"Plus, they wanted us to be there, and it's a special day," said Adam.

"Even though marriage is an institution, kind of pointless, innit?" Pepper mentioned, never afraid to speak her mind.

"Well, yes. But it makes some people happy." Adam shrugged. "Doesn't mean everyone has to get married." 

The Them nodded in agreement.


Aziraphale and Crowley got in the Bentley, the latter driving, of course. He hadn't wanted to lately since it had been repaired miraculously. 

 But then again, it was a great occasion.

Romantic rock songs were playing, earning a small smile on the red-haired entity's face. 

Finally, they arrived at the building, and everything had been already set up while they had been preparing to arrive. Also already paid for.


Crowley carefully put on a pair of black roller skates that were ill-fitting, and Aziraphale watched curiously. 

"Are you going to be okay?" 

"Yeah, sure. These will keep my feet from touching the ground." 

"All right, then." 


Later, the guests all arrived to the church. They all took their seats.

Dog growled a little, but Adam told him, "hush," and held the creature on his lap so it wouldn't hurt his paws.

As the doors opened, the person in charge of music started the song. It wasn't just any typical tune, nor a typical band, the song playing was The Wedding March from Flash Gordon. Recorded by Queen.

The soon-to-be-husbands started walking down the aisle. Crowley almost falling over within a minute, but he didn't. Yet. 

He looked up at the ceiling and smirked as if to say, "look what's happening, your angel is marrying a demon," but the Higher Power didn't mind.


As the music stopped, the couple went up to the altar. The demon struggling a bit to step up in skates but trying to look as cool as possible. Sunglasses helped.

And the vows began. The nonreligious person officiating the wedding began speaking, asking the angel to repeat after them.

"I, Aziraphale, take you, Crowley, for my partner to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, pledge you my love and respect, may we never be discorporated." 

Crowley might have looked like he was going to cry, that was so beautiful, but he was too worried about falling and touching the ground. That would hurt.


Still moving, Crowley then repeated similar vows, doing his very best. "Angel, I couldn't imagine my life without you. It's been a long journey.." His feet slipped a bit. "Situation's tolerable— But baby, you're adorable, handle me with care." 

The rest of the lyrics to the Travelling Wilburys song played in Crowley's mind: 

'I'm so tired of being lonely,
I still have some love to give.
Won't you show me that you really care?'

"Do you, Aziraphale, take this person to be your partner?" 

"I do," answered the angel happily.

Crowley put his hands out almost desperately, about to slip for real, and Aziraphale caught him, not letting go of his hands.

"Do you, Anthony J. Crowley, take him to be your partner?" 

"I—" Crowley got emotional, for once, "I do."

"I now pronounce you partners. You may kiss." 

And they did just that, passsionate and tenderly. The guests, all except for the grumpy old man-- until Madame Tracy nudged him-- clapped and cheered for the matrimonial union.


Crowley looked around in joy, taking a step down off the altar, and then his roller skates accidentally slipped off. And he looked annoyed at himself for that happening. 

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow!" 

Aziraphale noticed and gasped. "Okay, thank you so much for coming, everyone. We'll be outside now." 

And the newly weds headed out of the building as quickly but elegantly as possible. 

"Ah," Crowley hissed, then let out a breath of relief when he was on the grass. "Love you, Aziraphale." 

"I love you too, Anthony." He smiled.


Word count: 878.

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