Rockstar Restaurant - The Beatles (platonic)

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Based on something my sister made up a while ago, thought it'd make for a chapter. Something different, hope you guys enjoy.  Just a silly kind of chapter.

March 1967

The Fab Four decided to go out to a restaurant together, just to get a bit of a break. It was one that they'd heard about, apparently, rockstars liked to go there specifically.

And what better place to to than to a place like that?

"John, you're in my face a bit," Paul complained from the backseat of a car.

"Sorry, Macca, am I bothering you?" John teased, but moved slightly closer to his songwriting partner.


"Yeah, actually, so if you could please move over a bit."

John shrugged and moved as told to, George now getting a bit crowded.

"Why are we all in one car, anyway?" The youngest Beatle questioned.

Ringo hummed from the front seat, which he'd managed to get, somehow.


"Well, maybe we can get a taxi or something the way back." Ringo calmly suggested.

There was some banter, but nothing too like an argument.

Ringo kept flipping the radio, though, irritating his band mates slightly.

"Sorry, I'll keep it on one. Just looking for a good one. Sorry." The oldest apologised.


Finally, they were seated at the restaurant. This restaurant was simply advertised as the title and the words, 'Rockers & Rockstars welcome -- eat in peace!' So it seemed trustworthy.

"What do you reckon I should get?" Paul asked softly, looking at the various options.

"I dunno, something like a sandwich or salad?" George replied, looking at how many choices there were.

"Yeah, maybe a salad. This one looks quite good, actually." Paul said to himself.


"Well I know what I'm getting. A biscuit!" Ringo slightly laughed.

Once again, no-one found Ringo's joke funny. Well, it wasn't really a joke, so they didn't know what he found so entertaining.

"Oh, I'll get an ice cream! Who says we have to have savory, healthy foods, anyway?" John declared.

"Eppy. But he's not here, so yeah!" Paul said, then talked to George about the options.

Shortly after, they all decided to get sweets. George ordered a banana split, and Paul ordered a biscuit as well.


But after a minute when they'd gotten their food, mischief started happening.

John was the first to start it, by throwing his ice cream cone at Paul.

"Hey! What's that for, Lenny!?" Paul replied with a bit of anger.

"For you only hanging out with Geo!" John couldn't contain his cheeky grin.


"You were in my personal space in the car! George is calmer than you!" Paul snapped.

Feeling a bit cheeky himself and wanting them to stop arguing, George threw a bit of his banana split at John with a spoon.

"Oh, look at you Mr. Calmer Than Me, feeling cheeky, eh?" John spoke up mockingly.

Though Ringo was normally the most mature and calm, he was starting to get in the mood for mischief. Food fights were fun! So he threw half of his biscuit at George, making the youngest gasp.


Paul gasped too, finally joining in by leaning over and crumbling his biscuit in Ringo's long hair.

Soon, the four of them burst into laughter, realising how ridiculous they were acting. And it didn't take long when Paul thought about how they could get into trouble, as he saw a waitress coming over. 

They stopped their messy 'arguments', and Paul was quick to apologise.


"I'm so sorry ma'am, y'know, we've been tense lately and no-one was thinking or looking—" 

"It's all right. It's rather amusing, actually. I've seen worse. Others have even brought their instruments here." She said with a smile.

"Are you sure, love?" George asked as he sat upright in his chair.

"Yes! We're a restaurant that encourages rockstars to get away and enjoy their meals and relax. Technically, I'm not supposed to say this, but, there was a group of lads called Smile that came earlier. They made quite a scene.. One of them was drumming on the table.."


The Beatles all let out sighs of relief, glancing at the tables around them. Paul and Ringo paid for their barely eaten food, thanking the lovely waitress who's nametag said Rita.

They all went back into separate cars this time, going back to their houses with smiles on their faces. It was such a nice time out, since they'd been recording a new album.

And they were all thankful that the restaurant was meant to be a casual, friendly place.


Word count: 718

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