Love Of My Life, Don't Leave Me - Jim and Freddie

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I absolutely love Jim and Freddie, they were like husbands ;(

Nineteen eighty-seven.

Freddie was sitting at the piano, he'd finally got a break from so much writing music.

But in all honesty, he was a workaholic and music was pretty much his life. Along with love. Love was more, though.

Something about the instrument compelled him, so he just had been sitting at the ivory keys and playing around while waiting for his boyfriend to come back from work.

Jim was taking a little longer at work, having more clients to deal with. He didn't intend to stay an hour longer, but here he was.

Styling hair and missing his lover. That aside, he got things done as quickly as possible.

He had no clue that Freddie was feeling lonely and missing him as much as he did.

When Jim finally returned to the Garden Lodge, he was quickly greeted by his boyfriend with a kiss on the lips.

"Hello, love. Miss me much?" The man laughs when they pull away from each other.

"I missed you incredibly, my dear.." His voice was sweet and loving, with a tinge of something else.

"..Did you miss me?"

"What a silly question; of course, love!" Jim replies with a smile.

Freddie's brown eyes looked full of kindness and slight relief.

"I think it's dinnertime, you look hungry." Jim told Freddie.

"Phoebe didn't cook already?" The Irishman asked curiously.

Freddie shakes his head, finally speaking, "I told him that I wanted to wait for you."

"What're we going to do in the meantime?"

"I don't know. Maybe cuddle. With the cats."

Jim chuckles at that sentence, but agreed anyway.

Freddie holds his precious fur baby Delilah in his arms, giving her lots of attention. Delilah pretty much got anything she wanted. 

"You are a spoilt little princess, aren't you, Lilah?" He coos, stroking her tri-coloured fur.

"They're all spoilt, Fred."

"Oh, I know. But out of all of them, she's the queen. Don't tell the others." Freddie smiles.


Goliath meows, as if he understands and got jealous.

"I love you too, Goliath. Don't underestimate it!" Freddie adds with a slightly joking tone.

Jim moves closer to his lover on the sofa, rubbing his back gently.

Freddie hums in content, setting Delilah next to him so he could get closer to Jim.


"I love you so much. The whole world couldn't have all of the love I have for you." Freddie says dramatically, but honestly.

"I love you too, you know that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm very, very sure that I love you. I'll always love you."

"Even when I'm dead and gone?" Freddie whispers tenderly.

"Absolutely. My love will never die."

The two men share a kiss, feeling like they don't want to pull away, but the aroma of dinner distracts them.

"I guess we should go down," Freddie says with a small grin.

"I guess so." Jim smiles back, and both of them head downstairs to the dining room.

They thank Phoebe and happily begin to eat, though, Freddie can't wait for dinner to be over so they can cuddle more.

Twenty minutes later, the two lovers are sitting on one of the beds, very close to each other.

Freddie absolutely adored being held and cuddled, because his parents never cuddled with him, and of course sent him off to boarding school at seven years old.

So, to say he needed affection was a very true statement.

"Love you, my darling. I'll love you as long as I live." Freddie coos sweetly, holding Jim's hand.

"Me too, Fred. You're everything to me." Jim says with a sweet voice, just like Freddie's.

The singer frowns as he dwells on a thought, that's rather intrusive, but pushes it to the side.

The phone rings and Jim gets up, and the phone call does seem to be for him.  "Yes, I can be there. Just give me a few minutes."

Freddie looks up with worry, "what's that about?"

"Someone needs me to fill in at the salon, I have to go. They're not closed for another half hour."

"But you just got here," Freddie gives puppy-dog eyes, even pouting a bit.

"I know, but this is my job."

"I don't want you to leave me. Please don't."

Jim sighs softly, "you know I'll be back. It shouldn't take long."

"Fine.. I suppose it's important." Freddie shrugs, picking up Delilah and giving her a big hug.

Jim gives Freddie a kiss on the cheek, then gets his shoes on and heads out.


Fifteen minutes later, after fixing a hair emergency, Jim comes back and opens the front door, immediately greeted by his boyfriend with a hug and kiss on the lips.

After pulling away, the Irishman smiles, "someone missed me. You're awfully affectionate today, aren't you?" He asks nicely.

"I missed you a lot, dear. And I can't help be affectionate! You know I'm a romantic." He replies playfully.

"A big softie, too, you know. But I certainly don't mind." Jim giggles.
Word count; 830

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