Dream On - Queen/Elton John (platonic, angst)

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The strangest ideas make for the most interesting fanfiction.. I might delete this chapter if it's terrible or too cringey, who knows..



Elton was hanging out in a studio with his friends, John Deacon, Brian, Roger and Freddie. They had been playing a bit, but also just talking.

Then, he noticed, something very unusual happened. A cat had appeared. This was only unusual since there hadn't been a cat in the first place.

"Oh! Look!" Freddie said with wonder at the occurrence, "come here, darling!" He said happily.

At first, Elton though he was talking about him, since they were across the room from each other, but no.

The feline strutted over and demanded attention from the singer, who eagerly gave it.

"Where did that cat come from?" Elton wondered out loud.

"No idea, but it's so great, isn't it?" Freddie was too distracted to really pay attention.

'Hmm,'  he thought, 'Freddie's usually more aware than this, even around cats.'

Then something weirder happened - Brian got jealous after a few minutes.

"I want a turn with her," the guitarist complained.

"Well, she came over to me first, and I'm not ready to let go yet." Freddie argued.

"Guys, you don't need to fight about this." Elton tried to calm them down.

"But he won't share." Brian frowned.

Roger slammed a few keys on the piano and the cat jumped away, causing Freddie to get mad and Brian to cry.

"Roger, what did you do!?" 

 "You two wouldn't stop!" The blond stated.

"I think you all need some food," the only adult in the room suggested, giving Brian a hug. It was weird being taller than him for once. 

Wait, why  was he taller than Brian?

It was then that Elton John realised that his friends were literally children. That would explain the extra bickering. And the short attention spans.

John nodded simply, plucking away at a guitar twice the size of himself.

So they got to have sandwiches, but Brian was still sad about their furry friend leaving. So was Freddie.

Elton wanted to cheer them up, but could only think that more cats would help. And behold, more cats appeared; two kittens this time.

Freddie gasped loudly and swooped one into his arms, instantly calm again.

Brian got excited and started to pet the other one, a grey kitten, and Elton sighed with relief.

Then Roger started to get upset, standing at his drums, looking angry. But he started to cry too.

"What are you upset about?" The man asked wearily.

"I can't play these," he said with tears. "I'm too little and the cats will run off and they'll be sad again-" 

John gave a sad face. He was upset that his bass guitar was even harder to play than drums, at a toddler size.

Elton put his face in his hands in exhaustion. This was tiring. "You two, come here." 

Hesitantly, the younger musicians listened and watched, their eyes curious.

"Why don't you do something else? Like play a game?" 

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