You're My Best Friend - Joe and Rami (platonic)

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Inspired by how they've been friends for over 12 years. I thought it was sweet.



Today, Rami was hanging out with Joe. They'd been kind of busy lately, and it was the anniversary of when they'd first become friends.

Currently, they were in a Mexican restaurant, enjoying their meals.

"This is really good, almost as good as the taco trucks," Rami says, referring to his dish.

"That's good! Mine is also tasty." Joe says as he takes a few bites of his sopes.


"You got guacamole on yours, right?" Joe questions, feeling his dish needed something extra for flavor.

"Of course! You can have some, I've got extra." Rami answers with a big smile, pushing his plate over to his best friend.

"Thanks!" Joe smiles back, trying a bite of his food with the guac. "It really adds that touch!"

Rami nods happily, and the duo soon finish up eating, heading out to the car. 


In the car, Joe turns on his phone and connects Bluetooth, turning on Queen.

One might think that the boys would be tired of the band's music, but no. They actually loved it more now that they'd acted as the band.

Love Of My Life is the first one to come on, and Rami politely asks if they could skip it. 

"Yeah, I don't mind. It makes me cry, anyway." Joe laughs, skipping it once. 

"It makes me cry too, I just don't feel like it today. Ooh, our favorite!" Rami explains and adds when Somebody To Love comes on the shuffle.


Joe sings along, while Rami lip-syncs and hums along, both of the men enjoying the music.

"That is a masterpiece. I love it," Rami says when the song ends, "even though I can't sing."

"I can't really sing either. But I can play bass now. At least, a few songs." Joe chats.

"Yeah. I wish I could play piano better. I can play a little bit. But it makes me appreciate their music," Rami says as he leans back in the passenger seat.


"We're all better musicians after BoRhap, huh?" Joe wonders out loud. 

"I guess so! I had to learn guitar and piano, but I wanted it to be accurate." 

"Well, Ben had to start from scratch. But now he actually plays." The brunette chuckles.

Rami laughs as well, remembering his prank on the youngest man in the group. It was when he managed to get it through that Roger Taylor wanted Ben to learn a specific drum solo, and the blond-haired actor locked himself in the RV until Rami told him it was just a joke.


When they finally arrived at Rami's house, Joe looked hesitant. 

"Is something wrong, Joe?" The older inquires, looking concerned.

"No, I just was thinking about how much fun we had out. Thanks for taking the time." Joseph smiles kindly.


"You're welcome. I did enjoy it. I'm really glad you're my best friend." Rami grins just as warmly.

Joe perks up, slightly rolling his eyes. "That's so cheesy, but I'm glad too."

They exchange a big hug, and say goodbye before parting ways.


Word count: 511

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