Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon - Queen/Beatles (platonic)

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This is just a silly idea, obviously they wouldn't meet like this nor be/act the way they would at the time. 



"Fred! Do you know where we're going today?" Roger shouted from a room as he got dressed. "And who we're going to see?" 

"I can't tell you, darling, it's a surprise!" Freddie called back, looking at the cats as if whether deciding they should go.

"No shouting in the house!" Brian tried to not make his voice too loud, but was shouting too.

John was the only one who knew where the destination would be, since he was going to be the driver. He didn't know the guests that would be there.

"Is everyone ready to go?!" 

Brian marched over to the bassist, "John. I just said no shouting inside." 

"Sorry," John stuck his tongue out playfully, earning a glare from the guitarist.

"Whatever. I'm getting my banjolele." He walked off and took the instrument, just in case it was needed.

"Yes, dear, we're ready now." Freddie calmly walked over with both Jerry and Miko in his arms. 

John made a face that said he didn't think bringing cats was a good idea.

Freddie seemed to read his emotions and replied silently with a look saying, 'of course it's a good idea; I'll look after them.

The youngest band member shrugged and the group all went out to the car.


"Ooh! I know where this is! We're going to the—" the drummer began, before getting a hand over his mouth by the lead singer.

"No spoiling it," Freddie warned, taking his hand away. "Or else you're staying in the car." 

Roger slumped down and pouted, staying quiet for the rest of the ride.


Meanwhile, somewhere else, there was John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. They were sat on the ground, curious of who they were meeting.

"It's just four guys, one of them rang me to ask for this meeting, so I rang you three." Paul explained. "I don't think you know them, but I'm sure you'll get on well."

"I'm fine with that. Wonder if they play music." George commented, tuning up his own banjo-ukulele and giving it a few strums.

"Oh, they do," Paul smiled knowingly.


Queen arrived at a park, where it was sunny and bright, perfect weather. They got out of the car and started walking, Brian with one cat in his arms and his instrument in hand, Freddie with another cat and a picnic blanket.

Roger put on his sunglasses, affected by the harsh sunlight, and walked with John.

However, he stopped when he saw familiar people, "no way. Are you joking?" 

John stopped too, looking over and gasping. Brian turned around and started to walk behind the two, to get them moving. "Come on." 

"But look, Bri!" Roger protested, as the guitarist hadn't seen the surprise yet due to him getting his bandmates to keep going.

Finally, Brian gave in and was interested at who he saw: John, Paul, George and Ringo. 


"Oh, wow.." He wasn't that shocked, and he put on a big grin. "Hello!" 

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